Ho, ho, ho

We are now officially in the “holiday” season – which is always a difficult time for many reasons such as the pressures to get the “perfect” gift for those that we really love, knowing full well that in most cases if they really wanted it they already have it. We are somehow expected to know them better than they do, picking out “the thing” that they don’t even know they want. What could possibly go wrong with that?

And then we are hoping once again for the magical, special, dancing in our hearts feeling that always comes with Thanksgiving and Christmas (at least we hope it will happen like that) – except that it doesn’t seem to quite work out that way. Our missed expectations and hopes, and the darker and colder days, are the perfect formula for depression and loneliness to creep in. And this year!! Oh my, it is going to really be a mind twister, it already has – and the crazy, scary, lonely and exhausting things are likely to continue for awhile.

I am trying to brace myself for all of this – I know it is coming, and I know it will tend to be overwhelming. Right now – today- I KNOW that it is not my fault, or the fault of those that I love – I am just hoping I can remember to remember this truth. It is just how it is, and it is just one of those things to notice, watch and not add guilt for not making the magic happen perfectly. It is definitely the year to quietly enjoy each other, to be warmly thankful for whatever good things we have, to not get too excited by roadblocks, and to just kind of sit back and “go with the flow.” Hopefully we will figure out how to reach the “reset” button for 2021. Be careful out there, and try to avoid accusing anyone of not fulfilling what you want them to do – especially yourself.