The subtitle of this book is “The End of the World as We Know It,” meaning the societal and governmental aspects of “the world.” There is a “bragging” banner on the cover informing us that the book is soon to be banned in Canada. As far as I am concerned, it should be banned globally – but perhaps mostly in the USA. It is a terrible, insulting, “white supremacist”, highly prejudiced, despicable piece of trite. This is the type of book that is intended to inflame the “Alt-Right”, energizing them for acts of violence such as the recent insurrection at the Capitol in Washington D.C.
Basically the author’s rant is all about that our “most dangerous enemies” (“the Muslims”) are taking over the world, destroying our freedoms and forms of government by way of out-breeding all of the rest of us. According to the author, the only way that we can possible win this war is by ramping up our sex life until we are having enough babies to overcome them. If we are to win, we must increase the world population three or four fold – quickly. In his opinion, we are losing everything because we just don’t try hard enough to have as many children as possible. The main tools that the author uses to make his points are half-baked propositions supported by a continuous volley of insults and slurs. I slogged though to the end because a neighbor, and friend, thought is was something that I needed to read in order to help get my thinking straight.
However, in the midst of a totally vile spewing of inanities the author does bring up a few important points that deserve consideration. One of the points that he makes is undoubtedly correct – in a world where there is a very large difference in population growth between groups of people it doesn’t take long before the balance of populations, and with it the balance of power, shifts in dramatic ways. If, in fact, the “Western World” continues to be as unbalanced as it current seems to be, then dramatic changes are inevitable. The author points out that the fertility rate of around 2.1 is required to maintain a constant population size. The EU average is 1.38, America’s rate is about 2.11 and Pakistan’s is about 5.08 children per couple. If this continues for very long, these very large differences will change the face of the world. The author’s position is that it isn’t just that some country’s have excessive fertility rates, but those rates are directly related to religious beliefs and systems of laws – with the implication that majority rule will quickly result in legal and societal systems aligning with the Muslim beliefs – possibly including Sharia Law.
The author proposes that the introduction of Sharia Law into the western legal system would include things such as beheadings for what we consider minor offenses and all of the rest of things that we keep hearing about. I have idea what all of this would (will?) turn out to look like, but it seems pretty obvious that things will be changing because our legal system is built based upon the concept of equal voice, meaning that the group with the largest population has a chance of “winning” or at least changing things to agree with their point of view.
The author then goes on to talk about all of the terrible things that will transpire as what is used to determine “truth” changes, and as groups become more polarized. I think he did a pretty good job of describing the process and the dangers of truths being based on opinions (or belief) rather than facts. I think he is describing what is happening in America today based upon the polarization of opinions, the lack of a clear direction concerning how we want our country to function, and the dangers inherent in defining “truth” in whatever way supports a political opinion – disregarding evidence, science, and facts that might paint a contrary narrative. In the end, I think he does a pretty good job of describing the dangers and those that are most dangerous, and his is squarely in the middle of the most dangerous. The dangers he is describing aren’t so much about too many Muslims, but instead the positions and approaches taken by the “alt-right” or far-right groups already in America.