My friend that I traveled with in Australia told me to find a way to watch Another County by David Gulpilil. Here is a link to a free version (with some rather annoying ads in the middle of it).
The story, people and scenes are absolutely true from what I experienced when I visited my friend for a month in Kowanyama on Cape York, north eastern Australia. It could be the same place except that it clearly is not – so I guess this is what you might call “typical”. This documentary is not overplaying the problems, or apparently trying to pull tears and sympathy, it is just telling the story as it is. Actually, if anything it has downplayed the full scope of the problem. We have similar problems in America, with the Native Americans, blacks, browns, poor, disenfranchised, a LOT of groups – all of which are hurting through no fault of their own.
As I watched it I found that I was falling in love with these people all over again! Such truly authentic and loving people, trapped in a cycle of hell on earth. If I had a lifetime to run it all over again, I would want to be with these folks – even though they are having an extremely difficult time with the white fella. This is why the “first peoples” on Cape York (and beyond) are connecting with global partners, such as some native Americans from up by Seattle. They are sharing experiences, problems and approaches for finding some kind of good solution.
I found that watching this movie got me to wondering about the whole role of “culture” with regard to our understanding of the world. I of course think that my view of the world is the “real” one, not only do I think it is the real one, but I don’t even know how to question it. There are no “edges” that I can peak under to see if there is a different one that is just as complete, compelling and “obvious” as my view. I spend a lot of time trying to do that but it seems that I am actually just trying to fit what I observe into my vision of the possible scope of “sane” options that still fits into my world. It is obvious that there a great range within my “universe” but everything I see or think about is within that universe. However, while watching this movie I began to question if perhaps they are in some important way inhabiting a very different universe, not just at the extreme edges of mine, but maybe someplace all together different.
If you have a little time you might find it interesting.