Are we the last generation of our species?

I don’t think we are the last generation of our species. We have endured for something like 8,000 generations and will likely be around for that many more (unless we actually manage to cause so much environmental damage as to cut that short). We will probably stick around for awhile, so why are we doing what we are doing right now?

We act as if there we are the end, once you and I die, that is it so whatever mess we make doesn’t matter. As long as we don’t run out of resources before we die we are good to go. Who cares what future generations have been left to work with? It appears that the furthest anyone can think is perhaps to the children, and maybe their grandchildren – and in most cases they can just “figure it out” just as we did.

We act as if there are unlimited resources of all kinds to support anything we want to do. We slowly pried open Pandora’s box for a few hundred years during the beginnings of the scientific and industrial revolutions only to have the box open completely during the past 100 years where we found that we can do just about anything within the realm of possibility that we set our minds to. Not only CAN we do it, we seem to think that because we can, we should – and have some sort of God given right to whatever it is that we want to get, anything we want to destroy, and anything that creates profit and personal power.

What would it take for us to return to the understanding that we aren’t all going to die in the next 20 years? What does it take to realize that future generations would certainly appreciate it if we left them an environment that supports their lives in relative comfort and health? Why do we have to always grab as much as we can get, even when we have so much we can’t do anything with it other than throw it away?

I guess today just isn’t one of those “positive” days for me. It is so disheartening to live among such insanity. I agree that we don’t have all of the solutions, but we could certainly be making efforts toward them, rather than continually making efforts to destroy as much and as fast as we can. The bombing in Ukraine is a prime example, how can that actually be taking place? What sort of world-view makes any of that alright. It isn’t just Russia that does that kind of thing, many (maybe most) countries have their own histories and their own stories that should make all of humanity cringe in embarrassment. No matter where I turn it is all the same, people getting as much as they can as fast as they can – with little or no regard for themselves or others, either now or in the future. Oh well, I guess that is just the way it is. Luckily I am getting older and that means I only have to tolerate mankind for a few more years. After that I guess I have no more concerns – but it seems to bother me to have to tell my grand-kids “good luck, I am afraid that we let you down.”
