Avoidable Stress

Bill Fell 3/8 – 9/20

When asked to represent the Buddhist “faith” in front of the Unitarian Church’s two Sunday morning gatherings, one learns how difficult it is to explain the Mahayana view of “wisdom” in a VERY short time.  So, start with the “two truths,” and end with our opening liturgy four-liner and pray that I can somehow link these two teachings.  But why do I stress over it all?

For Rev. Beth Banks and Cliff Ohmart of Unitarian – Universalist (or “UUians”), Anne Kjemtrup of Davis Engagement and Interfaith Network (DEIN) , and the piano player

Explain “wisdom” in ten minutes
  OK, set some goals, imagine outcomes; speak
    Do the best you can
      It will all be over soon, and then . . . 

Brevity being the soul of wit ,* I’m finding
  The shorter the talk
    The longer the prep
      Everything’s left unspoken

Awakened at 3AM
  Got it! the perfect second sentence
    Capture it this instant, or just
      Stay; risk letting it go

While teaching on emptiness, and 
  Obsessing on ordering a few bullets; ah
      The irony and vanity of the aspiring bodhisattva
          Wisdom is seeing the movie, the pause 

Walkers, canes, name-tagged regulars
  Filling the lobby, the sanctuary
    Not exactly like first day of kindergarten
      Confusion any of us?  
        “May it dawn as wisdom” *

*Four Dharmas of Gampopa are:

Grant your blessings so that my mind may be one with the dharma.
Grant your blessings so that dharma may progress along the path.
Grant your blessings so that the path may clarify confusion.
Grant your blessings so that confusion may dawn as wisdom.