
Glascow Climate Change Conference

The fact that countries have come together once again to discuss actions to avoid the worst outcomes of the forecast global climate fueled disaster(s) is heartening, especially now that the USA has re-engaged with the discussions.  However, from what I observe, it appears that the attendees of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference are talking about agreeing to actions that are “too little, too late.”  Clearly, something is better than nothing, but in many ways we are still at the starting gate agreed upon during the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. 

It appears to me that while many things have been changing concerning how we power our economy, it isn’t clear that those changes are necessarily in the directions required to moderate the problem of too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  For example, there has been a global boom in the construction of giant wind turbines to make electricity under the fiction that they are somehow “green,” renewable, sustainable, and affordable – and reduce the production of greenhouses gases while reducing our dependency upon fossil fuels.  The reality is that when the entire energy production system is included in the equations wind turbines require the use of as much (or more) fossil fuel derived energy to power them as they make.  The reason for this seemingly contradictory result is that natural gas “peaker” power plants are required to balance the variable production of electricity with the loads, and these power plants use as much energy on average as the wind turbines produce.  In addition, there are currently no viable ways to re-use or recycle the materials of construction of the turbines, not to mention the problem that the turbines are affordable without massive government funded subsidies.  The same levels of carbon dioxide production per kW of electricity can be achieved by using high performance natural gas fired powerplants without the wind turbines that is achieved with them.  The rows and rows of giant turbines look impressive, make impressive amounts of electricity at the site of the turbines, but don’t do much of anything when the “big picture” of the entire grid is included. 

All of the new electric vehicles are going to result in similar problems unless fundamental changes are made to the overall use and production of electricity.  Adding a vastly increase demand on the electric grid will require vastly increased production of electricity – and there currently are not enough low carbon power sources available.  In the United States, most of the affordable sources of hydroelectric power are already in use.  There are few locations for new dams, new hydroelectric power plants, or other sources of hydroelectric power.  Making electricity from oceans waves is an interesting novelty, but not likely to produce significant power any time soon.  Biofuel is a disaster if it requires cutting down forests and existing methods of sequestration of CO2 (which is the current situation).  Truly “green” sources of biofuel powered electrical generators from landfills and similar “small” producers won’t nearly be enough to pick up the difference.  Nuclear power is going to continue to be a significant resource for the next couple of decades, but it is extremely expensive, comes with major environmental and safety risks, and takes decades to come on line.  Fusion power remains in the distant future (if at all).  Basically, we don’t have anything near the required new electrical generation capacity to power the envisioned switch from gasoline and diesel to electricity.  Using our current approach, the “electrical future” will be powered by fossil fuels and other sources of greenhouse gas for the foreseeable future.

The discussions happening at Glasgow that I have heard about are focused on how to switch more of our use from directly being powered by fossil fuels (engines, heaters, stoves, furnaces, etc) to being powered by an equivalent amount of electricity – as if this new supply of electricity is just going to come, as if by magic, without requiring either an increase in fossil fuel use or a decrease in CO2 sequestration.  As far as I understand the problem, that is all a pipe dream.  The unstated goal is to keep the energy market as big and profitable as it currently is (hopefully, expanding the profits for the energy moguls) – the proposed changes impact the methods for delivering energy, not how much is used.

I see very little hope in achieving the goals of reducing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas without also massively reducing the amount of energy required to do the things that need to be done.  For example, in the United States (and other “first world” countries), the amount of energy required to condition the space within buildings, especially homes, can be reduced to less than ¼ of the current levels by making a few, simple, inexpensive changes that pay for themselves in savings from reduced up-front installation costs.  Add a small amount of solar and as if by “magic” that home no longer requires power from the grid or natural gas from the pipeline.  Of course that also means that the energy companies no longer sell energy to that customer – a major sticking point with implementing these solutions throughout the market.  In California this approach has the potential for reducing the overall energy use of the State by about 30%, for “free.”  Add to that potential massive increases in efficiency of automobiles from the current average of about 25 mpg to something closer to 100 mpg and another 30% or so the energy use is no longer used.  Change our current 10 watt per 750 lumen lights to 1 watt per 750 lumen lights is ten-fold decrease in power used for lighting.  (Lights that have this kind of efficiency, at a retail price of less than a dollar have been developed, but not put into the market place yet).  Replacing swimming pool pumps with properly sized and designed pumps can reduce the cost of energy to circulate water to ¼ the current energy requirements – saving approximately $100/month in electric bills for a typically home sized swimming pool. 

The point is that there are thousands and thousands of “low hanging fruit” opportunities to massively cut energy requirements at costs that are either the same as current costs, or so low as to be paid back in energy savings on the order of 3 or 4 years.  Once efficiencies have been improved, then the need for energy will go down, with the result that our existing “zero emissions” sources of energy (i.e., hydroelectric, existing nuclear power plants, sustainable bio-fuels, roof-top solar) are sufficient to power most of the remaining loads.  Instead of building new power producing devices, we can turn off many (or all) of the existing fossil fuel power plants.  The solution isn’t in making more fancier, higher priced, power plants – it is in reducing the amount of energy required to do the things that need to be done. Because reducing the sales of power is not in the interest of large power producers, the government will need to help through subsides, low interest loans, research into new ways to get the outcomes that we need by using less energy.  The energy grids won’t be left of out the picture because they will still be needed to provide the zero emissions energy; as well as for balancing and managing the grid current and voltage – most of the services that the currently provide.  Focusing on energy efficiency has the potential for being a relatively quick and affordable means for reducing the use of power that increases the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, with the added benefit of vastly reducing air pollution and the on-going disaster being caused by the acidification of the oceans.   

Why is Money Bubbling Up rather than Trickling Down?

During the past few years we have been experiencing an ever accelerating trend for money to bubble up from low and middle income people to a few rich folks, leaving those on the bottom and middle in an ever tightening bind. The number of billionaires has increased from 423 in 1996 to 2755 in 2021. (Statistics) Billionaires now own 12% of the GWP (gross world product). That is a staggering amount of wealth held by a vanishing small number of individuals – and the problem is rapidly growing. This situation is clearly unhealthy for the economy, or the individuals whose wealth is bubbling up away from them. The obvious questions are 1) “How can this be happening?” and 2) “What can be done to stop it?”

I don’t claim to have a final answer to these questions, but I have a few observations that might take a small step toward clarifying some of the issues involved. A caveat is appropriate for this discussion: The examples that I am using as the basis of this discussion are not accurate for any specific business or situation, they are presented illustrative purposes only. I believe they are close to the “average” values, but since there is such a wide variation between situations there are no “right” answers. I am using the numbers to illustrate some points, not provide dependable statistics.

I found myself pondering the situation for traditional hardware stores. Image a locally owned and operated “mom and pop” hardware store such as an ACE or True Value hardware store. Most of these stores are locally owned even though they have a “national” name resulting from them belonging to what amounts to a “buyer’s club”. For example, most ACE stores are locally owned, but belong to a COOP that provides many services (for a fee), including bulk purchasing capabilities. The owner of the individual store owns the land, the building, the merchandise and pays for all services including staffing. In order to cover all of their costs they have to mark-up their merchandise by an average of about 200% (they call it 50% – but in any case the cost to the customer is about twice what they pay for the item). The exact markup varies by department, local competition, and other things – but the average is close to that. After all of their expenses are paid, they hope to make a “profit” that is greater than what they could get it they invested their money some other way. The profit margin varies greatly between individual stores – for the sake of argument I am going to assume a 5% “profit” (a moderately profitable store) based upon the value of their gross sales. So if they do a million dollars in business a year, they will get a profit of around $50,000 (this is after paying all expenses, including the owner’s wages or salary).

This relatively thin profit margin puts strict limits upon the range of the markup. In my example, $1,000,000 in gross sales means that they purchased $500,000 of merchandise (wholesale price), cost of sales was $450,000 and “profit” was $50,000. However, if they could only mark up their cost by 180%, things become very different. In that situation an item that they bought for $1.00 would be sold for $1.80, resulting in a “discount” to the customer of 10%. The result is that instead of a gross of $1,000,000 for a given basket of goods, they only get $900,000. The cost of sales is still $450,000 and cost of goods is still $500,000 but they only receive $900,000 for their efforts – a negative $50,000 profit! Oops, it is no longer such a great opportunity to be in the hardware business. While a 10% discount seems like a small amount, it is the difference between a healthy profit of $50,000 and a disastrous loss of $50,000.

The point is that if competition drives the market price down by 10% the hardware store either must close, or must drastically reduce their cost of doing business. Since they have already had a few decades of extremely thin profit margins, they are faced with some daunting choices. Generally they don’t have the ability to respond to competition that forces a small decrease in prices.

Now I want to consider what happens with the introduction of companies such as Amazon, a direct competitor for many of the products stocked by hardware stores. These new businesses operate with a very different business model. They have vastly reduced costs for sales because of their reduced labor cost as a percentage of product cost, and skip one or two “middlemen” in the supply chain so that their initial costs are much lower. For the original example “basket of goods”, instead of paying $500,000 for the goods, they pay probably pay $300,000 or less. Instead of paying $400,000 as the cost of sales, it is probably pay less than $200,000. They also operate much closer to a “just in time” supply chain so they don’t have to invest nearly as much in maintaining stock on the shelves. These values are just guesses, but are probably conservative in the sense that actually differences are likely even greater that my assumptions.

Assuming my numbers are approximately correct, this means that their “break even” retail price for that basket of goods is $500,000 – which is $400,000 less than the breakeven point for the local store. The “Amazon” model now has a choice – they could add enough to make a 10% profit – selling the merchandise for approximately $550,000 (55% of what the local store has to charge to stay in business), or they can aim their price point to what the market will bare, just enough to out-compete the local stores – perhaps 10% below the local price. When they do that, their profit becomes 40% rather than 10%, and the local store’s profits become zero. The result is obvious, profits skyrocket for the Amazon style businesses, and the local stores go out of business.

The net result of this is that local money, money that is used to keep the local community solvent and functional, bubbles up to some distant location. Local jobs dry up, local entrepreneurs go broke, and the money used to purchase goods enriches those that own these new businesses. Perhaps 1/10 as many people are required to service these sales, no local taxes are paid for the services or property, and the local community takes the hit. Even though the individual purchaser gets a slightly better deal, their money joins an ever growing river of money/wealth flowing upward. It is not a trickle – it is a torrent.

For the past 20 or 30 years, the target for “what the market will bare” is balancing on the edge of bankrupting local businesses. They keep trying to cut costs, keep trying to find ways to reduce labor costs (paying people less or offering less benefits), purchasing cheaper goods, etc. But are fighting a losing battle.

The big companies know that if they drop their prices much more, that will crash the retail sector of the economy, and that in turn will result in far fewer people having sufficient money to purchase what the large companies want to sell. Therefore, they cannot drop their prices. It is a little like when Henry Ford realized in order to be successful he had to pay his workers enough so that they could purchase is automobiles – otherwise nobody could buy his products. The large “internet” companies could increase their costs by increasing wages and benefits, but the business imperative is always to only pay what the market will bare – always keep costs as low as possible. No business is willing to pay more than someone is willing to take. That is the supposed “secret sauce” of the capitalist system. Supply and demand will even out all things. However, it is apparent that is a logical fallacy – it cannot, and does not, work to the benefit of all. It works very well for those in control of the supply. However, the prices cannot fall below the threshold that would cause the economy to crash, therefore the prices remain where they are – and profits go “through the roof”, creating the new and ever growing population of billionaires (according to the latest news, it is now trillionaires). Given the current situation, billionaires have no choice but to keep accumulating vast amounts of wealth. If they cut their profits they bankrupt too many local businesses, so in order to be “good citizens” they have to keep their prices high – forcing them to have huge profits. Huge profits mean that the value of their stock goes up, adding yet another multiplier to the rate that they accumulate wealth.

I see only one solution to this problem if we are to remain a viable capitalistic economy – vastly increased taxation for the wealthy. Instead of letting the increased profits flow to the corporations (and thus the wealthy owners), the money needs to be returned to the society, workers and local communities impacted by this diversion of funds. As a minimum we might consider returning to the “good old days” of the 1950’s were the maximum income taxation rates were near 90%. That resulted in a blossoming of the economy with money available to build a new national freeway system, new hospitals, good pay to teachers, free (or nearly free) college educations, a vastly improved overall health care system, a functioning postal service, functioning social security system and many other benefits. All the spending on infrastructure, health care, education and other things made good paying jobs available so that families with one wage earner could afford to own their home, take vacations, and have a secure retirement.

A 90% income tax at the highest levels has little, or no, impact on the lives of those paying those rates. The incomes are vastly greater than there is an conceivable way to spend the money. The only significant spending they can accomplish is through investments, which in-turn make more money, they don’t “cost” anything. They represent investments, not spending. As it stands, even charitable donations turn into profitable activities because of our broken tax system. Large corporate donors give unappreciated securities (stocks and bonds) to foundations that they control. There is a “step up” in value at the point of the donation, so that securities that were purchased at a small value but now have a high market value are donated, resulting in a large tax deduction based on the higher value without even having to pay capital gains taxes. For example, if they give stocks that cost them $1 but have appreciated to be worth $100, they claim a $100 donation. If they are in the 50% tax bracket (which most are) that creates a net income of $49.50 for their “donation” (they pay $49.50 less in income taxes). Since they are often on the board of directors of the foundation, they manage the foundation in ways that don’t require the sales of those stocks to do the charitable work(they use the income of the securities rather than the principle) – meaning that their ownership is never diluted. They keep control of their business. These donations are profit centers – they are not “gifts”. It would be much better to eliminate these types of charitable donations, and increase taxation so that they government could actually use the money to do the great things that are intended. Personally, I am of the opinion that all tax credits for donations to charitable organization should be eliminated. Why should I, as a tax payer, help fund charitable causes that you feel are important? If you fell they are important, that’s great – donate, but don’t make me support your donation.

A major problem with “income tax” on the wealthy is in determining what that means. The “normal” definition limits it to something like wages or salaries. It basically means money received for doing something (working, investing, retiring, selling things, etc). However, that clearly isn’t a definition that is particularly useful for the problem at hand. The problem is that this definition means that in order to be considered “income” it needs to be associated with receiving money. That leaves almost all means of increasing “wealth” out of the equation. For example, my house is being more valuable over time, but since I haven’t sold it there is no income. My wealth increases, but no money exchanges has, hence there is no “income” and no tax. I have become wealthier, but do so without paying any taxes until such time as I sell the property. When I sell the property then it becomes “income” (unless I use that income to purchase another house) except not income subject to income tax, it because a capital gain that has a much lower tax rate (20% instead of 50% for high income people). However, wealthy people seldom sell their properties, therefore they seldom convert their increased wealth into “income” or “gains” – avoiding all taxes. In most cases, wealthy people only have to convert as much “wealth” into “income” as is necessary to cover their living expenses. Billionaires seldom never convert this vast fortunes into income or capital gains and therefore don’t pay tax on their increased net worth. Even when they do “spend” money on things those things are often “investments” and therefore do not require converting investments to income.

Of course, if taxes are increased this means that you have to trust the government to do the right things with that money . We know the corporations won’t, they will do what is in the best interests of their shareholders (that is their legal fiduciary responsibility). However, we seem to have lost so much trust in the government that we don’t want to let them control the flow of money. I believe this lack of trust is because the government is being controlled by “big money” to make choices in favor of big money, instead of society. That is certainly a problem, one that needs to be fixed if we are ever going to move past the current situation of spiraling down into an apparently nasty future. The solution to the ever widening income discrepancy, and rapid decrease in our standard of living is fairly clear, but the problem of managing how government uses the increased taxes is far from clear. We don’t seem to have an agreed upon vision for what needs to be fixed.

Dixie and Bootleg Fires – Failed Forest Policy

The October 22, 2021issue of CounterPoint online magazine has an interesting article by George Wuerthner titled “The Dixie and Bootleg Fires : Examples of Failed Forest Policy.” Part of what makes this article so interesting are the many “before and after” photographs of burned over areas. I don’t know anything about the Mr. Wuerthner’s qualifications for making a “scientific” pronouncement upon what he observed, but he certainly raised interesting questions that demand answers.

Just as a happenstance, my wife and I drove through the area to the west of Chester on the way to our cabin at Lake Almanor yesterday.  While the author was correct that the more managed parts didn’t appear to control the fire, he didn’t discuss what I thought was the most sticking aspect.  Hwy 36 goes through about 20 miles of burned area to the west of Chester.  That includes sections of relative old growth (24 to 36 inch trees) and sections of newer growth (8 to 16 inch trees). The old parts are in national park lands (Lassen) and the other part appear to be on timber company land (perhaps some overlap).  The new part had been highly managed – before the fire it had been “raked” and kept free of brush and smaller trees.  No large trees are in that area because it had been clear cut and replanted.  

The experience of driving through that section of road was amazing.  The old, brushy parts have a mix of burned out brush, and brush untouched by fire, with almost no obviously killed trees.  All of the bigger trees looked fine, the areas that had burned brush were already regenerating (after only 2 months), and all looked pretty good.  There is clearly a lot of remaining habit for animals.  The other part consists of vast forests of dead 12 inch trees sticking up from totally bare ground – with the burned out clear cut areas showing in the background. There is close to zero habit or cover remaining in these areas.   It is pretty obvious, where the trees are bigger the fire was smaller – and appeared to just open up some areas.  It looks good and healthy.  The parts that are managed and clearly all the same age are totally gone.  Just dirt and rocks remain. The photos in the story fail to capture the distinction between heavily managed forests and those that have had time to grow “wild” since the last great logging operation 50 or 60 years ago. There is no “old growth” forest visible from the road.

Dixie Fire Damage

Most of the “extreme” fire damage occurred to plantations of small, recently planted trees that had been extensively “managed” to eliminate the fire danger. These trees have almost all been killed by the fire. Areas with larger (older) trees, and a mix of trees and brush have very little fire damage to the trees. In these areas, most of the fire was low to the ground, cleaning out brush but leaving the more mature (and highly fire resistant) trees intact. The large plantings of new trees to support future logging is the situation that caused the large loss of buildings on the Paradise fire during the previous year, and that destroyed the town of Greenville. The residents of Greenville had been assured that by extensively “managing” the surrounding forest they would be protected from fire danger. However, managing meant clear cutting and replanting with new identical trees in the style of a plantation, resulting in out of control spread of high intensity fire and the destruction of the town.

Salvaged trees

Part of the fallacy of the story of the Indians burning the forests the assumption that they burned ALL of the forest.  They didn’t do that, they burned small parts for specific purposes.  For example, an area that might have the resources to grow sweet grass for making baskets would be burned to keep it clear from invading brush.  An area that got to brushy to travel through might be burned.  Not the whole damned forest, just the two acre sweet grass plot or the brush patch.  They were “farmers” who used fire instead of a plow in many instances, but they didn’t burn it all or burn it indiscriminately.   What they didn’t do was burn it as an excuse to cut all of the big trees down and they didn’t haul all of the carbon out of the forests to be cut into lumber and burned as “bio-fuel”.
One thing about the drive along hwy 36 that really stands out is that they created a swath about 1000 feet along both sides of the road where they clear cut and logged out everything, ground up the remainder and let a 20 mile long desert with a road through the middle of it.  Tens of thousands of trees were cut for timber, all of which had been “protected” because of the national park.  My guess is that not only did they get the trees, but they got paid to get them out of there ASAP.  I suppose it makes sense to clear a “safety corridor” for evacuation purposes, but they really did it big time.  It would be interesting to “follow the dollar” on that operation.  They did this along all of the roads in the fire area – hundreds of miles of roads through “protected” areas.  When we were up here at the lake in September the roads were the biggest logging operation I had seen or contemplated – loggers were thick.  Now they are gone, along with the trees.  The machines that remain are gathering up all of the leftovers and grinding it up, resulting in deep layers of ground up material that prevents much of anything living in that area for the next few years.  It is a well managed, mulched landscape – kind of like what you find around assisted care facilities where the old go to die. A few plants for color, all mulch to minimize weeds and anything “wild” from intruding. 

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man by Dr. Mary L Trump

This book is an interesting look into the family and history of Donald Trump. It isn’t exactly a “tell all” about the many stupid, harmful, spiteful actions of her uncle Donald that we are all so painfully aware of, but rather an attempt to put his actions and personality in context with his rearing, or as described by don Miguel Ruiz as his “domestication.” It isn’t so much about all of the rather unusual (and dangerous) features of his personality, but more about how that might have been created. The book’s author, Mary Trump, is the daughter of Donald’s older brother who was initially selected by her grandfather to be the “heir apparent” for the family’s fortune. Her father fell out of favor when her grandfather and Donald decided to close ranks. Her father experienced many difficult and humiliating encounters with his brother and father, eventually dying at early age from alcoholism.

When Mary was talking to Donald’s sister, Maryanne, during the lead up to the election, she as asked Maryanne, “Does anybody even believe the bullshit that he’s a self-made man? What has he even accomplished on his own?” Her aunt responded, “Well, he has had five bankruptcies.”

In her professional opinion as a licensed and experienced clinical psychologist is that Donald meets all of the nine criteria for being a narcissist as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), but that is just the tip of the iceberg of the extremely dangerous psychological tendencies that fuel his destructive behaviors. In her opinion, he also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder that often accounts for chronic criminality, arrogance, and disrespect for the rights of others. He also meets some of the criteria for dependent personality disorder, the hallmark of which include the inability to make decisions or take responsibility, discomfort with being alone, and going to excessive lengths to obtain support from others. In addition, he probably has a long un-diagnosed learning disability that for decades has interfered with his ability to process information. His habit of drinking a twelve-pack of Diet Coke a day may be part of the cause of his severe inability to sleep because of the caffeine, which combined with a exceptionally poor diet and lack of exercise may contribute to or exacerbate his other disorders.

Dr. Trump points out that performing an accurate and complete diagnosis would require extensive neuropsychological and psychological tests that aren’t going to happen – the most that can be done is to observe closely, which is impossible because he leads a mostly hidden life where he is only visible for brief moments that are controlled by his “handlers” (who appear to have a very difficult with that chore). She points out that we all see enough of his behavior to recognize an extremely unbalanced and out-of-control individual, but there is not much that can be done to reign him in as long as “his base” (his self-described “Second Amendment people”) continue to support him come hell or high water. It seems clear to me that his base doesn’t really care about him, they are using him as an excuse to promote antisocial agendas that have been festering for decades (perhaps since the founding of the County).

The reason that no amount of evidence of wrong doing, no amount of evidence of being wildly outside of normal social constraints, and no amount of evidence of arbitrary and capricious decision making has any importance to his supporters. All that matters is that he will support them, and will not stand in their way. They are finally free to express and act upon their personal agendas that have been blocked for generations. Mary Trump makes it clear that not only her uncle suffers from a long list of psychological disorders, but that these were created by a highly dysfunctional family, especially a father (her grandfather) that shared these traits with his son – resulting in his supporting and promoting the worst of the traits. My conjecture is that he shares a great many of these traits with “his base” – resulting in the apparently empathy with his approach to life.

The family related issues that the Mary Trump discusses as potential “causes” of her uncle’s behavior seem very real to me because I have experienced, or witnessed, most of the problems first hand with my family or those who are close to me – including close friends. I recognize the impacts of ostracizing one’s son while supporting another, as my father did with my brother and me (I was the chosen one, but saw and experienced the damage done to my brother). I recognize what happens when a family decides to provide financial support to one, leaving out others. I have seen, and experienced, many of the problems described in the book – I suspect almost all of have these kinds of dark ghosts in our past. None of these problem are all that unique. Luckily most don’t result in the kinds of deep dysfunction described by Dr. Trump with regard to her uncle Donald Trump. However, I am surprised about how many of my close friends and acquaintances have long term relationships with host of therapists, how many are taking “meds” to moderate the great harm caused during their “domestication” and how many are teetering on emotional collapse. Some are well over 80 years old and still suffering from problems created during early childhood. In most of these cases the problems have “merely” resulted in ruined lives, deep anger and personal anguish that then is repeated for the next generation. The problems described by Dr. Trump aren’t that rare, the problem is that it is happening with an extremely powerful person.

While I can easily understand how Donald got the way he is, the book has helped me have compassion and empathy with his plight, that doesn’t make him a safe choice for someone in the position as the most powerful person in the world. I agree with his niece’s opinion that if he gets back into office it is very likely going to result in the end of democracy in America. Having a better idea of how he got the way that he is, have a better insight into the depth of his dysfunctional behaviors, knowing that he is incapable of understanding much of anything doesn’t make it better – it makes is much, much worse.

The book’s description of some of the events that happened during the month’s before the election reminded me of when Hillery made the comment about the folks that she characterized as a “basket of deplorables,” saying that many of his supporters are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic. My reaction was that perhaps those folks exist, but who would self-align with these characteristics? It turned out that ALL of my neighbors did. They all identified as being part of that group, and were mad as hell that there were being scolded for their positions on these topics. Soon after Hillary made that statement I went to a neighborhood party (perhaps a birthday party or something, I don’t recall right now). Everyone was focused on these phrase, not in what I would have expected by denying their inclusion in this group, they agreed with her characterization but were angry that she had the temerity to judge their beliefs as somehow “bad.” It quickly got the point where I had to excuse myself from the gathering because I refused to join in with agreeing that I was also racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic. I was seriously concerned that I was in danger by being in that group of “friends”.

The author states that “His (Donald’s) pathologies have rendered him so simple-minded that it takes nothing more than repeating to him the things he says to and about himself dozens of times a day – he’s the smartest, the greatest, the best – to get him to do whatever they (smarter, more powerful men) want, whether it’s imprisoning children in concentration camps, betraying allies, implementing economy-crushing tax cuts, or degrading every institution that’s contributed to the United State’s rise and the flourishing of liberal democracy.” Toward the end of the book, Dr. Trump seems to catch the essence of the situation with this description, “Every time you hear Donald talking about how something is the greatest, the best, the biggest, the most tremendous (the implication being that he made them so), you have to remember that the man speaking is still, in essential ways, the same little boy who is desperately worried that he, like his older brother, is inadequate and that he, too, will be destroyed for his inadequacy. At a very deep level, his bragging and false bravado are not directed at the audience in front of him but at his audience of one: his long-dead father.”

Road Trip

One fine day in 2006 my good friend Ramin decided that it was time to take a road trip to Mount Shasta in northern California.   He had made a fresh batch of bio-diesel for his older diesel powered Mercedes and seemed to have an urge to burn a bit of it up, and to visit one of the spiritual centers of California at the same time.  Ramin, Adriana, Eva and I piled into the tempura smelling car and headed north. 

We settled in for the three and a half hour drive up Interstate Highway 5, talking, joking and generally having a good time.  Once we got to the foot of the mountain, we started up its western flank to see how high we could drive.  I think part of the purpose of this was to test out the new fuel made from deep-fry residue, which worked splendidly – with only a slight smell of tempura in the exhaust.  We easily went to the end of the road, which is about 2/3 of the way up the mountain at around 10,000 feet elevation.   We were not prepared for the long hike required to go the rest of the way, so we stopped at the parking lot at the trail head.

The first order of the day was to refuel the car using the five gallon containers of fuel Ramin had thoughtfully stowed in the trunk.  We could have put regular diesel in the car, but that would have spoiled the adventure of traveling on used cooking oil.

We decided to follow the trail into the woods.  We walked through beautiful old growth Douglas Fir trees, and came upon a wonderful high-mountain meadow.  There were interpretive signs telling us to stay on the trail, and that the area was a special spiritual place used by the local Native Americans.  It was understandable why they felt it was a powerful place, the meadow was full of bright green grass, tiny little yellow flowers, and rivulets of crystal clear water flowing under the mossy grass land.  The colors, smells and sounds were transfixing.  

We all felt the power and spirituality of the place and broke up to wander and sit by ourselves for a bit, soaking in the magic of the atmosphere.  I found myself in a very meditative state, just sitting and feeling the breeze, while listening to the birds and sounds in the forest. 

After awhile we gathered back together and started to follow Eva, who evidently wanted to lead us somewhere. She led us back down the trail a little ways, and then just turned off into the forest were there was no sign of a trail.  As we followed her into the woods, I found myself wondering what was going to happen next – it was clear that Eva either had a plan, or was being led.  In any case, it felt like we were going to do something extraordinary. 

After walking a few hundred feet, we came to another small clearing located on the edge of the meadow.  In the clearing were five large rocks, arranged in the four directions, forming a circle that was about 25 feet in diameter.  A large, flat rock was in the center of the circle, additional large flat rocks were located at the four directions (north, east, south and west).  Obviously, Eva had led us to a location that others had used for spiritual purposes.  I was rather dumbfounded that she led us so directly to this spot, as if she were being drawn by the energy of the place. This was the first that any of us had visited this location.

She then had Adriana stand on the center rock, facing south.  Ramin was on the western rock, I was on the eastern one and Eva stood at the south.  We were all facing toward the center, facing Adriana.  Eva then spontaneously began a ceremony of healing for Adriana.  My energy was drawn by her words and actions.   I felt that my role was to be a protector of the sacred spirit which was working within our circle.  I can’t really describe what happened that day, except to say that we all fell into a sort of trance, we melded our energy with the energy of the forest and the meadow, using it to bring healing and personal power to Adriana.  I felt like I was holding a very large ball of energy within our circle, and protecting us from intrusions from unfriendly outside energy if there was any around.  While that is what I felt like I was doing, I was unaware of any hostile energy – it felt like the whole area was just full of positive, loving energy that day.

Afterward we did not talk about the experience, so I have no way of knowing what others experienced, other that I am sure that Eva was a very powerful and loving channel of energy for Adriana.  I could see that Adriana was deeply moved and impacted by the ceremony and the power of the intent from us all.  However, it did not seem appropriate, or necessary, to talk about it afterward.

We then headed back home.  We felt energize, laughing and skipping down the trail to the car.  The four hour trip home seemed to fly by because I was still in a state of bliss from the ceremony.  I am sure that I witnessed, and was part of, a powerful healing associated with connecting our energy to the energy of the mountain.  I don’t know exactly what happened, but for some reason that day, and that event in particular, seems to have somehow changed my view of the world.  Its effects are very subtle, but nevertheless important.  If nothing else, it was a moment of feeling connected to the others, to the mountain and to the universe.  It was a melding of our energies that reminds me that we are not separate, but are all one. 

Don’t pay too much for your whistle

I just finished reading the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (who surprisingly turns out to be something like a great-great-great… uncle of my wife) back at the time when his uncle on his mother’s side (Folger) married a Starbucks woman. (Who would have thought that the Folgers and Starbucks would be marrying each other in the 1600’s?). I found the autobiography to be mostly a rather charming book – although toward the end it got a bit too “political” in nature for my tastes. The book was written to his son as a way to tell him some of the more salient parts of his life.

There are a lot of “homey” phrases and things in the book, one of which particularly caught my attention. The praise is:

“Don’t pay to much for your whistle.”

The story behind this phrase has to do with when Benjamin was a small child, receiving a few coins for Christmas. Being newly “rich” with those coins, he rushed to town and came across a friend that traded (sold) him a tin whistle for his coins. He was very excited by his purchase, whistling all the way home and around the house until it drove everyone crazy and he had to moderate his whistling in the house. Soon the excitement of his new purchase dwindled. His helpful brothers and sisters pointed out that he had paid about four times as much for the whistle as he should have, and that if he had been more careful with his purchase he could have had a few other things as well. He therefore felt remorse for his purchase. Hence, “don’t pay too much for your whistle.”

I read that phrase a week or so ago and surprisingly find it amazingly apropos for a number of situations. It has broad applicability to life situations where we want something so badly that we focus on it too much, ending up spending more (money, time, energy, attention, etc) than the object of our desire is worth. Examples include things like wanting to succeed in business so much that you lose you friends, your wife, your family and eventually your life. Wanting to be liked so much that you give up your values to be part of the group. An example that Franklin gives is, “If I knew a miser who gave up every kind of comfortable living, all the pleasure of doing good to others, all the esteem of his fellow citizens, and the joys of a benevolent friendship, for the sake of accumulating wealth, Poor man, said I, you pay too much for your whistle.” A beautiful, sweet-tempered girl married to an ill-natured brute of a husband has paid too much for her whistle.

Franklin concludes that the great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon us by the false estimates we have made of the value of things, and by our giving too much for our whistle.

At first I thought this just another kind of humorous bit of witticism – but have found it has changed how I judge people’s actions (including my own). Perhaps I should be a bit more charitable to unhappy people that have gotten there by unfortunately paying too much to achieve their life goals and desires. I hope to keep in mind the idea that there are some things in the world that are so tempting as to be almost impossible to avoid, causing us to pay a price that is too much for the whistle. We all have these temptations, so instead of judging them, perhaps I can instead understand a little better how that comes about, and perhaps have a little compassion for those that have clearly paid far too much for their whistle, perhaps paying with most of the joys and opportunities afforded to them by life.

[social_warfare ]

Unsafe courthouse

I attended jury selection yesterday morning in person at the Woodland California Courthouse. To my dismay I found that the safety measures being taken at the courthouse with respect to covid are lacking to the point that I wanted to, and should have, left immediately upon entering the jury services space (a large open room with immovable rows of chairs. Basically, there are NO safety precautions being taken to protect the public or the county employees. There are many problems, but here are a few of the most egregious:

  • No attempt was made to screen out ill people. There was no temperature testing, no questions, no option to leave if ill, nothing. We were mandated by law to attend in person without any offers or suggestions about what to do if not feeling well.
  • No attempt was made to keep people separated in the rooms (both the jury services room or the jury selection room). It was just open seating without any attempt to keep people separated. Most people complied, but not everyone. The ones that appeared to be most “questionable” about whether or not they follow safety guidelines are the ones that most often violate the separation distance guidelines as well. In fact, in the jury selection room people were seated shoulder-to-shoulder with zero separation and absolutely no way of taking personal changes of the situation without being deemed in contempt of court.
  • The ventilation system in the jury services room is not adequate to control potential exposure One indication of this is that it was easy to smell perfume and other odors on people seated on the far side of the room. That means that aerosols are lingering in the room and traveling to all people. The smells travel as aerosols exactly the same way as covid infected breath generated aerosols do, so if you can smell another person you can be infected by the other person. The masks provide zero protection from these aerosols, and almost no reduction in their creation.
  • The only bathrooms are available at the break, meaning that the rooms are packed with people in a very small room with zero separation between anyone and close to zero ventilation in the short term. No sanitation or means to enforce separation were in evidence. It was either potentially expose yourself to the virus, or “hold it”. This is extremely risky.

There are more problems, but I think this enough to get the point across that the safety during these events it totally inadequate. I think it is a travesty that County has decided to expose so many citizens and employees at this time during the pandemic. This practice should absolutely be stopped ASAP.

By the way, I ended up catching a cold during this four hour period of time. If I could catch a cold I could have much easier have caught covid (which is MUCH more contagious). Perhaps we will all be lucky and there were no contagious people present and therefore no cases will come from this little “super spreader” event, but that is not through anything that the County did to protect people.

I think in person trials should be halted until proper protections are implemented.

A memorable New Year’s Eve

While sitting in my morning meditation today I found myself recalling a rather odd and memorable New Year’s Eve “celebration” back in the days when my wife and I were newly weds (perhaps December 31, 1974 or 1975). We were visiting my parents near my hometown of Sonoma California during the holidays. We decided to “step out” a little bit to celebrate the new year. We didn’t really know anyone in town, so decided to just go see what we could find that might be fun.

My attention was drawn to an old resort hotel near my parent’s home – the El Verado Inn. This inn had always intrigued me as a young person partly because it was “upper class” to my way of thinking, partly because of stories that I heard, and partly because while I swam in their pool (for a nominal fee) as a youngster, they never let me look inside of the hotel. It was “fancy” around the pool area – so I assumed it would be fancy inside as well.

This hotel was in an area that was a very popular resort San Fransisco “getaway” from about 1910 to perhaps 1940. I heard that people would take boats from San Fransisco to a dock on the Sonoma Creek (this was before the completion of the Golden Gate Bridge, so it made sense to travel by boat) near the resorts. That never made sense to me since the creek is either almost dry, or a raging river most of the year. I recently read that they traveled by train to this resort area – which makes a lot more sense. Perhaps they took boats to a pier at Schellville to the south, catching the train to El Verano. This makes more sense, particularly since that pier area had acted as the primary “gateway” to the gold fields of California during gold rush days. The gold seekers would take boats to Schellville, buy their mining tools and supplies in Sonoma, continuing to the Sierra Mountains from there.

In any case, the rich and famous – reputably including mobsters such as Baby Faced Nelson and Al Capone – frequented this early 1900’s resort area. There were (and still are) many up-scale resort hotels in the area, including the El Verano Inn (originally called Parente Villa – the building that is called “El Verano Inn” is not this resort).

The local stories tell that both the Perente Villa and neighboring Paul’s Resort were pretty wild places (speakeasy style) during prohibition – accounting for the mobster clientele. The Perente Villa (called the El Verano Inn when I lived nearby) had a beautiful large swimming pool, great open gardens, a large ballroom, upscale dining, etc. Immediately across the road to the south there was a large outdoor bandstand and dancing/party grounds. While growing up I heard these rumors and stories, always wanting to “check it out.” On this particular new year’s eve they had a sign out front advertising their bar and restaurant for a good time party. My wife wasn’t all that excited to go since it looked pretty “dead” at that time in the evening.

It was indeed pretty dead. As usual, we were quite early (probably before 8:00 pm). When we walked in the only person in the place was the bartender. We sat down at the bar, ordered our drinks and started up a conversation with the bartender. It turned out to be one of those extremely rare “connections” as if with forever-close-friends types of conversations. We (perhaps only me and he – my wife was perhaps not quite so enthralled) started having one of those great discussions that just seem to dive into topics as they pop up to share stories, share interests, and just plain have a really good time. I don’t know how to properly describe these encounters, but they are about the best and most fun times that I have had in my life.

After an hour or so the bartender noticed that it was getting to be the time when customers would start to show up – so he got up, pulled the blinds shut, and locked the front doors! He explained that customers would just be a distraction. So we continued with the discussion while people would come up to the door, try to get in, knock on the door and finally leave! It was a pretty odd way to treat potential customers, but we were having a great time. After awhile my wife suggested that since there were no customers, perhaps we could get a tour of the hotel since it was clearly a high-end “period piece” that apparently hadn’t changed in decades.

The first part of the tour led us to the ballroom. It was a very large, ornate room with a large hardwood floor. Our bartender guide explained that the floor was supported on springs so that when a crowd was dancing, the floor responded and kind of “danced back.” It was designed to enhance the experience of a shared group experience, because that is just what it was doing. The really odd part about this large room was that instead of having room to dance, it was filled with perhaps 20 or more beautiful, gleaming old racing cars. I recognized some of the brand names, such as Ferrari, Alpha Romeo, Maserati as well as others that I hadn’t heard of – including one or two old open-wheeled racers. All of these cars were in immaculate condition, just sitting there ready to be admired. This area was normally closed off to customers, apparently they were a private collection.

We left the ballroom and wandered through the halls and guest rooms admiring the old zinc ceilings, 1930’s era wall paper, stunning furniture and all that came with it. It was an amazing throw back to times gone by – apparently unappreciated and largely unused any longer.

I don’t know how long we stayed that night, probably not until mid-night, but perhaps we cheered in the new year. Too many years have passed for me to have a clear recollection of that part of the evening – but the amazing conversation and tour have stuck in our mind ever since. We finally took our leave, and have never been back or followed up in any way. It remains as a separate, almost surreal, moment in time – it feels like it was perhaps one of those “twilight” adventures that Rod Serling hosted on “The Twilight Zone”. Nothing untoward, scary, or outlandish happened that night – but it is forever set off as some kind of “separate” event that is oddly disconnected from the normal flow of events.

Feeling Energy

I started working with another Toltec teacher during the summer of 2006.  The reasons for this switch from my teacher, Ramin were two-fold.  Probably the first and foremost is that Ramin was deeply involved with getting his PhD and therefore wasn’t available for Toltec classes or other Toltec “games”.  If Ramin wasn’t available, it seemed reasonable to find another teacher.  Not only that, but I liked the idea of getting someone else to work with that has a different point of view and approach.  The second major reason for going to see the new person was that I am still interested in exploring some of the “impossible” aspects of the Toltec traditions.  Ramin does not seem to be at all interested in what I refer to as the phantasmagorical aspects of the practices, while the new person claims to be knowledgeable about these things and was willing to help me explore these areas.

After several weeks of getting to know each other, my new teacher declared that it was time to begin practicing feeling people’s energy.  The first thing he did was to have me rub his body with a chicken’s egg on the outside of his cloths (no naked rubbing).  The idea is that the egg can act as a medium for picking up negative energy and afterward can be used as a kind of divining tool.  This was an interesting thing to do, but I didn’t really get past the point of its being just interesting.  I didn’t find much to get excited about.  Maybe there is something to it, but not something that I felt connected to.

The next event of note was when he invited a young lady to practice with.  He said that she was very in tuned with energy and auras, and would be an easy person to practice with.  This introduction made me more than a little uneasy.  Practice?  Practice what? How? What was I in for this time?

He had the girl sit on a stool facing me and close her eyes.  I was to bring my hands up toward her until I felt the edges of her energy and then work my way around her body feeling her energy.  This seemed rather bizarre to me, but I could see no reason to object – except that it seemed like a silly thing to do.  I got as serious as I could about this and began by moving my palms toward her face.  I could imagine that I felt something kind of warm when I got within a foot or so of her face, so decided that must be a good distance.  I then pretended to feel around the surface of this energy zone.  

As I moved around to the side of her head I got an odd feeling that her energy was all tangled up.  It wasn’t really something that I could distinctly feel; it was just a small thought.  I found that I had an urge to run my fingers through the energy to untangle it, kind of like straightening out hair, but at a distance.  This was pretty weird thing for me to do, but since I was already doing this weird thing I figured I might as well just let it go and do what came along.  After a bit of this it feel like the energy was now wavy, but untangled.  I went on around to her back side and found that there seemed to be a clearly identifiable boundary between the room and her energy.  It almost felt like a soft wall that I could push against.  I pretended to gently rub my hands over the surface as I continued to move around, and then down her body.  During this whole time I never got my hands closer than about a foot or a little more from her.  This was kind of an “air massage.”

By the time that I got back around to her front side for the second time I could see that her expression had changed to one of peace and quiet.  If nothing else happened, she appeared to have been greatly relaxed by this whole thing.

Since I didn’t know what else to pretend that I was doing, I just stepped back and let my hands down to my side.  He then asked her to open her eyes and tell me what she had felt.  She said that when I started it felt like I was picking her skin up off of her face and head, and turning it over a little at a time– placing it back on differently than it had been.  She said it was a very strong feeling, but not unpleasant.  She liked it okay once she decided to let it happen.  (I guess this is when I was straightening out her energy?) 

She then said that it was a very good feeling, comfortable sensation as I moved around.  She said that as she sat there talking to us it looked like she had just drunk a couple of shots of vodka or something.  She said she felt giddy, drunk, and happy.  She offered the use of herself for practice whenever we wanted; she said that she felt great and would be more than happy for another air massage.

During this whole event I found myself feeling like I was pretending to feel something, and pretending to know what it was that I was supposed to do.  There was nothing obvious, but a very subtle urge seemed to guide me in what I was supposed to be pretending to do.  I imagined that I felt an energy boundary, but it wasn’t the same as feeling a physical force – it was just an imagination of a force.  If anything was actually happening, it was all happening below my normal senses like those of touch, sound, heat.  The odd part to me was that she indicated that she felt things that I had just imagined, so maybe “imagined” was not the right way to look at it.  Was I pretending, or was I actually experiencing something?  I really have no way of knowing.  If it involved sensing something real it was a type of sensing that I am not very familiar with.  However, it did have the same kind of feeling of warmth flowing through my body, arms and hands as I have felt in the past when “healing” seemed to be happening.  It was like a real feeling, but not one that I am normally in tuned with.  Was this a hallucination, imagination or real?  I have no way of knowing.

Death of a Relative

My wife and I went to Oregon last weekend to attend a memorial service for one of her cousins. We anticipated a small gathering of “older” relatives including his children and those of us in the “over seventy” group of cousins. It turned out to be a memorial put on by the local police department and included about 60 towns folks – including a mix of officers and people from around town. The police blocked off the street in front of the police station, set up folding chairs in the middle of the street, with a nice presentation area backed by flags, flowers and a shiny white police cruiser.

While this cousin was close to my wife in age, we knew little about his life because he distanced himself from the family about 40 years ago. We knew generally where he was, a bit about what he was doing, but almost nothing else. Because of this, most of what learned that day was new to us and more than a little unexpected.

A very brief story of his life includes growing up on a very rural farm in northern California, having a father that left the family at an early age, moving to Canada to live with his mother and her new husband, fighting as a Navy Seal in Vietnam and have a career as a prison guard in several prisons in California (including Alcatraz). It seems that his experience as a Navy Seal left him as a pretty troubled individual, probably with significant PTSD – accounting for his estrangement from his extended family over the years. Sometime within the past 20 years or so he was no longer a guard and was living somewhere in Oregon. About two years ago my wife found out that he was very ill, found his address and started an irregular snail-mail correspondence with him – enough to inform us where he was living and that he had become extremely ill, leading to his recent death.

The new information that we heard that day was completely unexpected. The “rest of the story” was that he moved to a small coastal town eleven years ago. After moving to town he took up a personal project of cleaning the trash from around town. Walking, or riding a three-wheel bicycle, picking up trash along the roads and in the parks. His stated purpose was he was doing that because he wanted to live in a clean town, and that trash attracts trash, so he spent his days changing that situation. The police noticed and because worried about him working near traffic, so they offered him a reflective vest to at least enhance his visibility. He refused it at first because he didn’t like the “image” that created – until they offered him one with the words, “Do Good” on the back. He accepted that and came to be known as “Do Good Jerry.”

While picking up trash, he also met people – often people having difficult times in their lives. People walking their dogs, or sitting on a park bench, or having a cup of coffee at the local coffee house. He got to know many people, being a bit of a expected “fixture” who people could depend upon for a little chat, a little cheering up, or a compassionate ear.

After a year or so of this, he decided he needed to do more than just pick up trash (perhaps he had cleaned the town?). One day he went to the police department and offered his services, free of charge, to help with anything they needed help with.

They started by offering him menial tasks such as cleaning rooms, dealing with the trash and things like that. After a bit they found that he could easily talk to the prisoners; offering advice, listening to their stories, and just being friends. He was allowed to take them into the exercise yard and play basketball or whatever. Soon he was taking small groups of prisoners for walks around town – walking five or six miles around the docks, along the river, or into parks. He became a confidant and trusted friend to them, and to the officers. Offering suggestions about how to avoid returning to the jail after being released, and how to live a more “normal” and peaceful life. As time went on the department outfitted him with things including a uniform, a badge, handcuffs, allowed him to carried his own gun, and finally they provided him with a car (the one parked behind the “alter” at the service).

His “normal” shift started at 6:00 am and ended at 8:00 pm – beginning the day by washing the car. He could “work” all of these hours because he wasn’t an employee and therefore didn’t have to abide by legal requirements concerning shifts, overtime, or anything like that. He just was there when he felt like it and did what needed to be done – apparently he felt like it most of the time. The sheriff spoke of a time when he chastised Jerry for working so hard sincel he didn’t get paid for anything. Jerry’s response was that it was the best job of his life.

The “talks” during his memorial service were amazing little vignettes provided by local folks that he encountered on his daily exercises of “doing good.” They spoke of things such as him hanging out at the shopping center parking lot on hot days to make sure that dogs left in cars were safe, and to make sure that everyone was being careful of the heat. There were stories about him sitting and listening to people’s stories and troubles, helping them when help was most needed. Sad little stories, touching moments. Clearly stories with great appreciation and caring by many of the local folks from all walks of life without consideration of social status or life situations.

It was a really touching and impactful memorial service for me. Here was someone who had clearly led a troubled life, perhaps unhappily (or not – I will never know) – who found a way to quiet whatever demons he had and instead put his focus on the task of “Do Good” without expectations of reward, honor, or even being noticed. He was of course noticed, and clearly he was highly honored as evidenced by the stories at the memorial – but it was also clear that was not the reason for his actions. I feel that his actions were pure – he decided he wanted to dedicate his life to helping in whatever form that might take. Perhaps that was always his main goal – even when deeply involved in the life as a Seal in a terrible war.

I ended up finding a very powerful life lesson that day. Why don’t we all take that view of life and our roles? If we focused on doing good, rather than whatever it is that drives our individual lives, that might be the cure for all of the myriad of troubles in the world. It could inform our decisions about whether the “profits” achievable are the results of doing something good, or doing something that results in harm (to people, the environment, society, each other). Maybe all that is needed to fix the problems is for us all to embrace the goal of doing good. Then we could discuss options in a rational way, rather than in a political divided way. Perhaps we could avoid doing some things that have the potential for generating great profits (and wealth), but do so at the expense of depleting and invading the shared “commons” (shared resources). Perhaps this point of view could inform our decision making so that we protect the environment and each other, rather than treating everything as a “resource” to be used (and used up).