
Are we honorable?

I have been pondering what it means to be a “successful” business person (or a successful person in general).  At first I thought it might mean running a “profitable” business.  That seems to make some sort of sense, after all what could be more successful than making money?  However, that is a rather nebulous criteria because it doesn’t include the idea of how profitable a business needs to be to be successful, nor does it include anything about how the “costs” of that profitability.  Our current social-economic model assumes that profit only includes the costs to the business; it doesn’t include the costs that are “paid” by others (such as society, the environment, or our future).  Just following “profit” as the criteria for success doesn’t seem to have a stopping point, or provide criteria for how much is enough.  Picking a target such as a “50%” profit as the criteria seems reasonable, but that approach results in some odd outcomes.  If I start with $1,000 and accumulate a 50% profit every year, in 40 years I would have over seven billion dollars.  Perhaps that would be a sign of being “successful” – but is this an appropriate goal?  I think we all know there is more to being successful than just making a profit.

I generally reject the idea that rich people got that way by being “greedy” – that is much too simple, and isn’t the way that most people’ mind works. People that make more money than others are not necessarily being greedy, they got that was as the results of making smart decisions, hard work, and luck.  I believe that most people (even very rich ones) are attempting to be “good” people, at least in the eyes of those that are personally close to them.  Not all of them are “good” of course, there are indeed psychotic and anti-social people that get into places of power – but even then it is seldom greed that is driving them, it is a desire for power – or perhaps fear.  If “success” means making money, and making money isn’t all about greed – I wonder what the relationship might be.  Perhaps that connection just results from there being a lack of an alternative criterion.    

I think billionaires are much like the rest of us.  They want to be successful.  They justify their wealth by convincing themselves that they are doing great things for humanity.  They have convinced themselves that by hiring tens of thousands of people they are providing much needed livelihoods and jobs – which is true.  However, in many cases they are actually providing poverty because of the low wages they offer.  They also spend a lot of money on silly, and stupid, things – but a point can be made that even buying expensive, frivolous things (yachts, mansions, private jets or flights into space) provide even more jobs, many of which are quite high paying. Oddly, these kinds of extravaganzas often turn into good investments and therefore don’t “cost” anything.  They are just different investment opportunities.  Many wealthy people turn to philanthropy in an attempt at “balancing” the obvious unbalance in their wealth – but because of the tax regulations even that effort often becomes yet another type of investment generating even more “profit.”

Success based on accumulating money seems rather hollow and not very “fulfilling” with regard to personal needs. I am wondering if perhaps a better vision for “success” is something along the lines of being “honorable”.    Realizing that there are many meanings for the term “honorable”, I Googled it and found this description: “The word honorable has to do with people and actions that are honest, fair, and worthy of respect. An honorable person is someone who believes in truth and doing the right thing — and tries to live up to those high principles.” This seems close to what I am thinking about.  What if this is how we judge “success”? What if a successful person is someone that achieves a life based upon these principles, instead of success based upon gaining wealth and power?  Would that make a difference?

While a definition of “a success person” as someone who does “the right thing” seems better than being someone that makes a lot of money, I am not sure how to use it as a useful criterion.   I wonder if there is a way for an individual to take actions that “help the world,” or does it take a community of everyone to accomplish that.  For example, when selecting something to eat for dinner, can I actually make meaningful decisions about helping the world – or do I have to depend upon others to do the right thing to support my decision?  If I buy some shrimp for dinner, does that somehow make me complicit with supporting the Thai fisherman that “captures” destitute Burmese to work in insanely cruel conditions for little, or no, pay?  If I purchase a shiny new all electric automobile, do I somehow also become responsibly for the environmental destruction caused by mining the metals for those batteries?  I think not, it is all too big, too far from my control, and too deeply embedded into the system of exploitation supporting our entire economic system. 

The most an individual can do it hope that the store selling the shrimp does their best at being “honorable” in their choices.  The best that they can do it hope that their suppliers are being “honorable”, and so on down the line until you come to shrimp farms and the fisherman in Thailand, or Vietnam, or India or Indonesia – we are all hoping that they are also being “honorable” – unfortunately, it appears that the attribute of being “honorable” isn’t necessarily prevalent everywhere along the chain.  What drives every step is someone trying to be “successful” in the sense of making a living, making a profit, expanding the business – being “successful”.  For anyone to do the “honorable” thing, everyone involved has to do it too.

Are these two possible meanings of success mutually exclusive?  Is there a way to be successful as a business person while being careful to treat people fairly?  Is it possible to make use of the natural resources in a way that is sustainable and healthy for the environment and all of the critters sharing it with us?  Is it possible to use resources in a way that does not plunder and “steal” them from others that need to share the resources of the “commons”?

If this is not possible, then we have a bit of a problem – there may be no solution to our current over-exploitation in support of our current striving for over-abundance.  What if the price of shrimp reflected the true cost of obtaining them?  What if the fishermen actually got paid enough to support themselves and their families?  What if the fishing is only done in ways that aren’t destructive to the oceans? What if the people that profit from the price “mark-up” at each stage do so only in relation to what they need, not just what they can get?  What would happen to the price of shrimp in that situation?  Would shrimp once again become very expensive, and therefore rare?  Is that a bad thing?  Just because someone finds a way to build, or expand, a lucrative market opportunity doesn’t mean that they should. Do we really need five times as many shrimp now as we did forty years ago, even if  they did find a way to supply them at 1/10 the price and still make massive profits?  Who is paying for those profits?  It seems like we all are, but in ways that we can feel or even know about. 

I think perhaps our only choice is to find a way to change what it means to be successful.  The meaning of “success” is just an opinion that we have, it has no “reality” – it is merely a dream that is shared by humanity, one that could be changed.  A shift in point of view, a shift in opinion, perhaps a shift in what it means to be “honorable” is all that is necessary.  Greta Thunberg pointed directly to this issue when she told the members of the UN that they should be ashamed of themselves.  To be ashamed of yourself means that you are doing things that you know are wrong, and that are not “honorable”.  She obviously has a strong opinion about what it means to “do the right thing.”

[social_warfare ]

Recapitulation – Second Time

As Lent approached in the winter of 2005, my teacher Ramin decided that it was time to do a bit more recapitulation.  A couple of wonderful, powerful, women (Adriana and Eva) had joined us in our Toltec work, and they expressed interest in going through the process.  Ramin’s suggestion was that we meet daily at 5:00 am (except for Sunday) during the period of Lent to perform an intensive recapitulation exercise.  Since I live 25 miles north of the rest of the group, it meant that I had to start driving at 4:15 in the morning to get there in time to pick up Adriana and meet with the rest of the group at Eva’s apartment. 

Ramin found four large cardboard boxes for us, which we could use as our recapitulation boxes.  They could fold up out of the way during the day.  There was just enough room in Eva’ small living room to fit our boxes once the furniture was moved out of the way. For forty days (excluding Sundays) we met in the dark of the morning to meditate, sat in our boxes and recapitulated, followed by a discussion of the things that came up for us during our recapitulations.           

Since I had already gone through this process in a very organized and systematic way, it seemed that a new approach to finding significant events was in order.  Ramin and I decided that my approach this time would be to just take whatever event came up rather than trying to identify them through a systematic searching.  The idea was that whatever was important at the moment would become obvious, and it was no longer necessary to search for them.  It turned out to be a great approach, everyday would bring some new significant event to light, and there was never a problem with having something important to work on.

Since I was focused on important events, rather than energetic connections with people, I found the sources of many more of my personal agreements with myself.  Instead of accidentally finding them as I had previously done, these agreements were often the reason that the selected events were important.  The importance seemed to be intrinsically connected to making decisions that were to become my agreements about life.

After about a week of this activity I started to feel an entirely new way of experiencing the world.  I found myself falling totally and completely in love.  It was as if I had just fallen in love with the most beautiful woman in the world.  However, the love wasn’t directed at anyone or anything, it was a strangely detached sort of feeling.  I felt it with everything around me, and at all times.  It was as if I had taken some sort of powerful drug that made me get out of my mind.  I am certain that we all felt this way.  We would finish our recapitulation for the morning and sit to talk about what had come up. We would talk, and sit to meditate, maybe listen to some music, read poetry or do exercises dreamt up by Ramin such as act out events, dance, sing or whatever came up. Some days Eva’s young son Danny would wake up and join us in a bit of wrestling and clowning around in a four year old way.  Nearly every day we found that we had gone past our allotted time and were late for the schedules in our day.  I would have been perfectly content to spend the entire day being in the glow of energy that we created.  I was in total and complete bliss at these times.

At about the mid-point in time Ramin decided that we needed to work with water, so we went to the local gym and got passes to use their swimming pool.  They opened their doors at 5:00 AM, which was just right for us to start swimming.  We would be in the pool in the dark of the morning with the rain falling on us, meditating and recapitulating as we slowly swam back and forth.  It was a magical experience.  At one point we were blind folded and left to float in the deeper pool in our meditation.  After some amount of time we could tell that others were in the pool with us, in fact a lot of others because it was an aqua-exercise class.  The exercise teacher put on the music and started calling out exercises.  As the students followed, the water waves jostled us around.  We drifted in between the exercisers, or stayed along the edge of the pool.  I am sure that we must have been quite a sight for them, drifting in our nirvana as they were working away, dancing in the water to the music.  We would finally join in with them, and it seemed to be fun, and funny, for us all.

By the time we finished the 40 days I had been completed and totally shifted into a new place – which seems to be permanent.  We spent our mornings somehow snuggling our energies together.  It was as if all of our energy fields had expanded and were intertwined with each other.  By the time that we were finished, it felt like that was a permanent way to relate to people and things, just enjoying the interactions of our energies. 

Revisiting all of those experiences and re-evaluating my agreements seems to have changed my entire relationship to my understandings about the world.  I find that when the old agreements come up I don’t believe them any longer.  Even if they were not addressed during those mornings, I still don’t believe them because I learned that they are made from nothing.  They are just beliefs and assumptions that were often wrong, or not even there.  I take the position that they are interesting points of view, which I may or may not adhere to.  I have a choice about how to react, rather than having to react based upon ghosts from the past.  I have not lost that feeling of love; it is with me at all times, sometimes it gets so strong that it is difficult to do my day-to-day activities.

Most of the time I now feel strangely connected to the world (and the universe).  I find that I feel a part of the earth, the trees, animals, people, even the air and water.  It is as if I am a part of a whole, that there really isn’t a distinction between myself and others.  It comes up sometimes as feelings of compassion, love, concern, or just being happy to relax in the presence of the world. Those days, and those wonderful friends, helped to shift me in ways that I will be forever grateful.  It’s not that I don’t get frustrated, angry, frightened, sad or depressed – I still experience all of these emotions.  However, now they do not have the same importance, they are not who I am – I am somehow stronger, freer and in love – even in the midst of these other emotions.

The world as a resource

While reading the October issue of Scientific American I came upon an interesting quote from the author of the book, The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis by Amitav Ghosh. Ghosh used what happened when the Dutch East India Company occupied the nutmeg plantations on the Banda Islands in Indonesia as an illustration of, “the unre-strainable excess that lies hidden at the heart of the vision of the world-as-resource – an excess that leads ultimately not just to genocide but to an even greater violence, an impulse that can only be called ‘omni-cide’, the desire to destroy everything.”

My reaction to this observation was along the lines of “Holly Cow!!! He nailed it.” All of the excesses that seem to be plaguing the world are rooted in this idea that we can, and should, take as much of everything as we can; rather than a vision that of the world-as-home. If the world is “home” then there is no benefit to taking from it, no benefit in destroying it, no benefit in grabbing as much as possible as soon as possible – because it is all right here right now.

The issues all seem to ultimately (and often directly) lead to many (or most) of the problems in the world hinge on the vision that it is necessary and important to take as much out of the “commons” (the shared resources of the world) as possible, otherwise someone else might get it and I will lose out.

The reason that this hit me so hard is that first off it seems obviously true. Just look in any direction and there it is, we call the drive to take as much as possible “greed” but in reality it is much closer to the vision that the world-as-resource to be taken and used. But… this is just a vision. Visions are just thoughts, dreams, made-up mental models – they have no actual substance, no mass, and require no actual energy (no ergs are required) to sustain or change. You don’t have to fire up a bunch of big generators to change a view or a point of view, it can just happen – no resources required. Perhaps this is the direction that people such as Greta Thunberg are pointing to. She, and others like her, are pointing the a new world where we don’t find a need to only take – they are pointing to a world where we can share, manage and protect. Why not? This seems reasonable to me. The sun and earth provide more than we (people, animals, plants, everybody) needs if we just back off trying to grab as much as we can – as if we could somehow gather it all up and take it to another planet (or with us when we die). We can’t, it is here and that is great.

Smoke Screen

I am beginning to read the book, “Smoke Screen” Debunking Wildfire Myths to Save Our Forests and our Climate by Chad Hanson. While this book is about wildfires and “saving the world”, I came upon a couple of sentences that I would like to quote here because they might have a much more universal applicability. Here they are:

“Now for the good news: you are being deceived. If everything you were told almost daily about forests, wildfires, and climate were true, there would be little hope. The truth, however, is that hope lies just beyond the falsehoods.” The paragraph continues with, “There is still time to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis if we act with urgency and purpose to rapidly transition beyond carbon fuel consumption, dramatically increase forest protection, and simultaneously enact adaptation measures to help the most vulnerable communities. For this three-tier path forward to work, we much be willing to question long-held myths and assumptions that are acting as impediments to meaningful progress.”

I found this to be interesting because perhaps it contains a kind of universal truth about what keeps us (whoever you define as “us”) from finding effective solutions to the myriad of problems that keep frustrating us in our goals to “make the world a better place.” Perhaps we hide the solutions from ourselves because we are so locked into our myths and assumptions that we can’t see another way.

California Forest Management

We finally got an opportunity to return to our cabin in the Sierras. It is located on the peninsula of Lake Almanor, right in the center of the huge Dixie fire in Northern California. The fire is approaching a million acres and is now 75% contained, but is finally out along the major roads in that area. The air quality impact from smoke at our cabin has decreased to a tolerable “moderate” air quality index instead of more than double the beginning of the “hazardous” range. The hazardous range is 300 and above. According to a neighbor, it was above 800 for a couple of weeks at our cabin. We decided to go check it out because the power was back on, the air was tolerable, and they were allowing people back into the evacuated zones. When we got there it was a little different than that because they had once again turned off the power, and on Monday the air was awful (unhealthy) once again. Our cabin is located in the center of a doughnut hole surrounded by vast burned up forests, none of that is visible at our cabin. You wouldn’t know there had been a fire except for the 1/2 inch or so of ash covering everything and many 2 inch chunks of burned bark scattered around the yard. The road to Chester went through miles of burned forest, with vast areas of black ground and black poles that used to be green trees.

One of the truly amazing things that we found (besides all of the burned trees) was scale of the “emergency” logging under way. I have lived in logging country most of my life, but have never seen anything approaching the scale of these activities. Everywhere you look there are hug piles of logged trees, ready to be picked up and taken to the mills. We passed dozens of logging operations, with many tractors, yarders, trucks, loggers, etc. They are clearcutting everything back a few hundred feet from the roads, and apparently vast areas of burnt forest beyond the view from the roads, but judging from the new logging roads and number of log trucks on the roads, they are really busy everywhere. It is an amazing sight. It is my understanding that the rush to cut everything down as soon as possible is that while the trees are only burned less than 1/2 inch deep into the bark, they are now dead and will dry out quickly- becoming useless for making lumber. They need to be milled quickly if they are to be “salvaged” – hence the feeling of emergency in these operations.

It happened that a really interesting program was on NPR while we were driving up to the cabin. (Ref: North State Public Radio out of Chico, September 10, Blue Dot #229, After the Fire featuring Chad Hanson PhD, Ecologist working for the John Muir Project). Dr. Hanson was explaining that there is a better way to approach fire safety while creating sustainable ecosystems than the current approach being implemented by the government (both California and the Feds).

His first point is that large, and very large, fires are a natural part of the ecosystems in California. The forests have not only regularly burned for a few million years, but the ecosystems have evolved to not only tolerate the fires, but to depend upon the fires for their existence. Big fires are not a disaster, they are the very things that have made California the beautiful and diverse environment that it is. Hundreds of acres of black poles sticking out of the ground might be rather unappealing immediately after a fire, they are the beginnings of new, healthy ecosystems. Basically, these fires should be considered to be good news because they are ensuring the future health of the forests, not a disaster. While there is a temporary problem with the “esthetics” of a burned area, we should not base our forest management practices upon what looks nice – we should base it upon science and sustainable practices for the entire ecosystem (not just ongoing logging practices).

Dr. Hanson described what happens to the ecosystem following a fire in very compelling, and hopeful, terms. First come the beetles, then come the woodpeckers to eat the beetles, then come other birds to live in the holes made by the woodpeckers, then the raptors (hawks and eagles) eating the birds and squirrels, etc. Then the plants that depend upon fire for procreation and health reseed, etc. Basically, the forest quickly starts to regrow, revitalize and become healthy. It is the process that has happened for thousands and thousands of years, and will happen again if we let it be. However, if we cut down the dead trees clear-cut and plant new trees, then there are no beetles, no birds, no squirrels, no regeneration of vegetation, etc. He considers what we are currently doing to be a very expensive subsidized logging practice. The loggers get paid to “clear” the land, get permits to plant trees where they couldn’t before, are allowed to clear cut where that practices has been outlawed – all in the name of “salvaging” dead trees (as if they had no value other than wood for lumber). The practice destroys the forest ecology in the name of more logging.

Dr. Hanson suggests letting the fires burn, letting the burned forests rejuvenate according to “nature’s way”, and use the saved money to make existing human things fire safe and to protect those things when necessary. He also suggests avoiding building more houses in dangerous, fire prone areas. He offered a lot of interesting, logical, but new to me ways to easily and affordably reduce fire risks to homes and structures.

I found it quite interesting to have just listened to his presentation and then be driving through those areas an hour or so later. What struck me most was the LACK of devastation in the burned out areas. It was not even close to being completely burned – the fire appeared to jump around. Some places burned the ground clear and burned all the limbs off of the trees. In other places it just burned the ground cover and brush, other areas were untouched. Obviously there is a lot remaining that can quickly colonize the burned areas. In the burned areas, it was clear that the ground had been greatly fertilized by the thick layer of ash. When looking through my new “eco-friendly” eyes I saw that the burned areas looked “right” and the logged areas to be the actual areas of devastation. Perhaps clearing next to the roads to maintain access during fires makes sense. Perhaps it makes some sense to remove the dead trees to minimize road hazards due to falling trees and the like. Other than that, it was clear that it was really just a glut of subsidized logging.

I ordered Dr. Hanson’s book, Smoke Screen, to see what else he has to say about improved forest management practices and fire “proofing” homes in fire hazardous areas (since I live in a fire dangerous location and have a summer cabin in another). I don’t know where I will land with these thoughts after reading his book and doing further research, but my instinct is that he is correct – we are continuing to destroy our forests in the name of “smokey the bear” and subsidized logging.

The LSST Telescope in the Rubin Observatory

I spent most of last week as part of a review committee in preparation for the annual joint status director’s review. I find these to be extremely interesting meetings because they talk about the detailed status for the construction of the Rubin Observatory and it’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) telescope. My role is this team is to evaluate the status report from the point of view of safety, which in my case means “System Safety”. I have always been a tiny bit of an astronomy “geek” (maybe really a wannabee geek – on the outside looking in). Being on this team met a lot of my lifetime goals of somehow being involved in BIG science, particularly big astronomy science.

I have been working on this project as a safety consultant for the past five years – but there are always some new things that I didn’t know about, or perhaps didn’t fully appreciate. This year’s review was no exception.

The LSST is a very large (about 27 feet in diameter), with a HUGE 3200 megapixel camera. It is designed to perform a ten-year full sky survey of the southern sky (because it is located in Chile where that is what you can see). Once operational in 2023 (or thereabouts), it will take 15-second “snapshots” of the sky, moving between shots to eventually get the entire visible sky each night. Each snapshot is about the size of 40 full moons. While this seems to be a pretty large piece of the sky, the camera is so large with such a high resolution that it will find LOTS of things to look at. At last week’s meeting they mentioned that it is expected that the telescope will identify and catalog 30 billion (yes, with a B) galaxies, something like 17 billion stars, and 7 or 8 billion other things (such as comets, asteroids, and who knows what else). The changes in position and other things such as color will be recorded and monitored.

One of the primary purposes of this new type of telescope is to gather information that might help understand dark matter. Of course, with that much information it will undoubtedly be critical in a LOT of other astrophysics explorations. One of the really cool things about this telescope project is that the data will be made freely available to anyone that might be interested – including you, me, and k-12 STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) programs.

Mainly I am writing this just to express my awe – not so much about the technology of the telescope (although that is awe inspiring), but that the vastness of the universe that is so large that they can find 30 billion GALAXIES!!! Holly molly – and that is just the part that they expect to be able to see, identify and study. This telescope will be able to see things that are 10,000 times dimmer than the dimmest that the Hubble Telescope can resolve. Amazing.

So where could all of this immense amount of matter and energy come from? How odd – I try to think about it and my mind just kind of flops around out of control, it just makes no sense in any way shape or form to me.

Collapse of Champlain Towers South

The September 2, 2021 addition of the New York Times “The Morning” that landed in my inbox had an interesting article concerning the collapse of the Champlain Towers South Condo that resulted in 98 people dead.  While that event kept showing up on the daily news I couldn’t help but wonder what in the world went wrong?  Is there an important “System Safety” lesson to be learned?  If so, what might it be? The System Safety Society is supporting a NIOSH sponsored effort to explore ways to better implement “safety through design” for construction projects. The Times article provided a few enticing tidbits that might be worth mulling over a bit with regard to improving safety through design.

My first reaction was that perhaps it was the after-effect of using a type of high early strength concrete that was popular in the late 60’s because it gains strength early, maximizing the probability of passing the required 28 strength test, enhancing the profits of contractors by reducing the risk of concrete failing the tests a month after it was placed.  I researched this material for my father (who was a county road inspector) around 1968 because he had become concerned about its potential for long term deterioration in strength.  Portland cement achieves substantial strength within the first few weeks, but takes many years to reach maximum strength.  I found that the high early strength concrete peaks within weeks.  However, this type of concrete has a nasty characteristic that it is prone to losing most of its unpredictably losing strength rapidly, resulting in a history of catastrophic collapses.  The ancient Romans were aware of this failure mode and stopped using it thousands of years ago.  Unfortunately, my cursory on-line search over the last weekend has failed to identify this particular material or it’s poor history and I can’t recall what it is called.  So that line of reasoning is not likely to serve me well in my considerations about System Safety.  However, if they happened to have used this material, and if my recollections of its structural properties over time are correct, it certainly could fit into something that perhaps would have been found and avoided by a system safety effort.  For now I will leave that trail hang out as pure speculation.

The Times article brought up a number of other possibilities that are perhaps more germane to the subject.   They reported on a number of problems and speculated that perhaps they either caused the collapse, or contributed to the magnitude of the problem.  It appears that this event was most likely a chain of events that started with the failure of one structural element, transferring the load it was supporting to other elements,  thereby overstressing them resulting in failure, which then transferred that load to other elements resulting in a kind of domino effect.  The question of “cause” gets down to which element triggered the event and why, as well as why such an overload of one element could overload other elements to the point of failure of the entire structure? It is sometimes thought that many parallel structural elements provides safety through redundancy, perhaps they decrease safety by adding many additional failure opportunities.

The building has five main structural features in its design.  The foundation (1) consisting of a grid of driven piles that are capped with (2) a below surface parking garage.  (3) A grid of pillars support the next level that consists of (4) the multistory building and (5) a large ground level deck that featuring a large swimming pool.  

The Times article listed a number of “findings” that have turned up so far.  I have no way to just the veracity of the information, nor can I judge whether or not they even include the “cause” of the collapse.  I offer them here by way of discussion of a much more general problem concerning the appropriate scope and depth of system safety efforts when applied to a building of this sort. A partial list of problems they discussed includes:

  • During a 2018 inspection it was noted that the piles had problems with water intrusion
  • During the 2018 inspection, abundant cracking and crumbling of the support columns, beams and walls were noted in the underground parking garage.
  • Large planters (weighing tens of thousands of pounds) were installed on the deck were not specified in the design drawings. The article speculated that these may have overstressed the design because they were not included in the designs.
  • Several beams supporting the deck in the vicinity of the planters shown in the original designs were not included in the building.
  • The deck was designed to be flat without a slope to ensure drainage.
  • The waterproofing material on the surface of the deck had deteriorated and been replaced in a manner that trapped moisture rather than repelling it.
  •  One corner of the deck appeared to have little, or no, reinforcing steel.
  • Columns in the immediate vicinity of a cave-in may have started started of the collapse punched through the deck at the locations with little reinforcing steel.
  • The design of the columns called for splices being made at a particular height, creating regions within the columns that had too much steel for the amount of concrete.  This resulted in sections of the columns that were weaker than the design calculations indicated.
  • The rebar in the slab was located very close to the surface of the slab (3/4”), perhaps resulting in less that optimal performance (some engineers contend that the second layer of concrete rectified this deficiency.
  •  It appears that the number horizontal reinforcing rods that connected the deck to the columns was less than shown in the design.
  • There was an extra penthouse added to the top of the building that was not in the original design.
  • The 2018 inspection identified numerous locations on balconies with exposed reinforcing rods and crumbling concrete.
  • Water was leaking through the roof.  Repairs on the roof were under way the day before the collapse.
  • Large amounts of water were observed pouring into the underground garage, along with chunks of debris, the day before the event.
  • Video footage indicated that the collapse appears to have started with a hole caving in on the deck, then the rest of the deck collapsing, rapidly progressing to the middle section of the building, followed by the other wings.  The sections that remained standing appear to have been supported by the elevator shafts.
  • There was speculation that perhaps a vehicle ran into, and damaged, one of the support columns.

I have no idea which, if any, of these issues caused, or triggered, the collapse.  However, this rather extensive list got me to wondering which of these fall under the purview of “system safety”, and therefore which would have been avoided given a strong “design for safety” (system safety) effort.

My experience has been that “design for safety” in the construction industry tends to be limited to designing for safety during construction, perhaps extending to operating and maintenance personnel during normal operational phases of the project.  I have heard little about the safety of the design to meet its performance expectations (or safety requirements) especially under conditions of foreseeable change (such as installing landscaping features on a deck with a swimming pool).  The assumption seems to be that the design engineers/architects and building contractors take care of the safety as a functioning system through following sound engineering practices, dedicated high quality contractors and expert building inspection services.  Unfortunately, it seems that many problems during the “operational phase” of large structures such as the collapse of the Champlain Towers South Condo, can be tied directly back to problems in the design, construction and/or inspection. 

I leave it up to you to make a judgment about which of the listed shortcomings, if any, could have contributed to the collapse, and which would likely have been avoided with a strong system safety effort.   It appears that many of the issues had to do with incorrectly following the design and then not catching the deviations during inspections.  Perhaps these are outside of the scope of system safety – or maybe they are within scope.  There are other issues, such as the addition of large planter that changed loading above and beyond what was specified in the design documentation.  Perhaps this is the kind of “change” that should result in calling the design team, including system safety, back in a “change review” process.  There was probably a discussion about this change before it was made, I wonder if the knowledgeable people concerning the design were included in the decision. 

I found this disaster to be fertile grounds for considering when, or how, system safety expertise should be included in the process, and what sort of issues that effort is likely to uncover or identify.  It is interesting to speculate which of these problems could have been identified and mitigated during the design process, and later during reviews of proposed changes.  I think this is an important consideration if we are to positively impact the direction of the current attempts to introduce “safety through design” concepts into construction projects – safety through design has to reach much further than just the construction activities.  It needs to include the users, public, long term structural integrity (including the effects of foreseeable modifications), and the environment.  It is opinion that achieving safety throughout the life of a design requires an effective system safety effort.

Making a video

I just completed a “little” video project and am writing this as a sort of celebration of completion (I hope). For the past few years I have been presenting a six hour seminar at the System Safety Society’s (SSS) annual conference. The Executive officers decided that a service that we should be providing to our membership includes a series of tutorial/seminars covering some of the more important aspects of the profession. Since nobody was stepping up to this I agreed to do it one time as a kind of “placeholder” of the idea, with the understanding that the SSS would form a team to work on these seminars. I partnered up with a friend, Russ Mitchell, on this project. I developed and presented an introductory class on the technical aspects of the profession, Russ did the same for the management aspects.

Of course, during the intervening year nobody else offered to assist, so we got to do it again and the next conference. This was of concern to me because while I thought my presentation was “adequate” it was by no means representative of the best that we can do as an organization. I threw it together in a hurry because the decision to do this was close to the conference date. Unfortunately, the second version wasn’t much better. Basically it was the same presentation with a few changes to reflect things I had noticed the first time around. I was still presenting to new/novice individuals (after-all it is an introductory course), without the assistance or feedback from our seasoned members. Without critical feedback I essentially did this same as before.

Then it came time for the third year and not only didn’t I get any feedback or assistance, but this time was a “covid year” so it had to be done via zoom rather than as an in-person standup presentation. This new venue demanded several changes to the presentation, but the biggest change was that I recorded it as a zoom presentation. That was pretty good, but it was just slides with me talking in the background. Perhaps it was perfect – since I got no feedback it is hard to know.

This year it happened again, now it seems to have become “my” presentation! It was supposed to be the Society’s presentation, representing the desires and directions of the Society as a whole. Instead, it is now just whatever I want it to be. Not a good situation. However, I decided to attempt to “spiff it up” a bit and use an actual video camera instead of the zoom camera, and edit the presentation using a video editing suite in the hopes of making it run smoother – giving me the chance to stop, go back, reshoot etc. I put the camera far enough away so that I could stand or sit on a stool during my delivery. I shot myself against a green screen, and put the slides, photos and video clips in a box next to me in post production (I overlaid the various parts five layers deep – the background, the slides, the header icons, the footer icons, and myself.) I don’t know if it made it any better, but it was a more interesting project to me.

My first “studio” was intended to be the pottery studio I had just finished building for my wife. I has good lighting an appropriate blank wall to shot against. However, the AC hadn’t been installed yet and therefore the room got pretty warm in the Sacramento Valley summer. So hot that I was quickly drenched in sweat – totally unsuitable for presentation purposes. I therefore moved to a room in the house that has air conditioning. Much better, but I had to install so many lights that I still could only go for about 30 minutes before becoming visibly wet. That was alright, it limited my “on screen” time to something more tolerable. I ended up spending several days setting up the space to get the green screen correct, placing the camera, testing the audio, moving production lights around to get them right and that sort of thing.

As usual, the shooting of the raw material is the quick and easy part. It is the editing, blending, adjusting in the video program that burns up hours. I have done this a few times in the past for some little “travel logs” of places we have visited. I find that it takes about an hour of editing for each minute of finished product. I would take more to get it really “right” (and would usually take some reshooting of things that I didn’t get quite right but wished I had). Since I had six hours of material, at that rate it would take me 360 hours of editing – not in my preferred schedule. So I took the route of making a pretty rough video and only spent about 15 minutes per minute (about 80 hours). I came out “ok” – but not what I would have liked to do. I guess I could have saved a lot of time by just giving it “live” in zoom.

The good part is that I am done. An even better part is that my current opinion is that I won’t do it again next year – they can just replay this video. Of course, what is going to happen and we will have a live conference and I’ll end up giving it live again. But in the mean time we can use it for an on-line webinar. Who knows, maybe we can even charge for it and make a few bucks to support the desperately poor SSS. Almost all of our income comes from the annual conference, and the last two years of zoom conferences really depleted our resources. I am afraid that the Society will dissolve if we don’t find some better ways to get some income – soon. This webinar was my attempt at doing something along those lines. Hopefully it will work, but probably it won’t. Anyway, I finished the project in a rather amateurish way, but had fun and learned a lot along the way.

Is it ok to not get vaccinated?

I have a bunch of relatives that refuse to get vaccinated. They have a lot of excuses for this, including “loss of personal freedom”, “it hasn’t been tested long enough”, “we don’t know what might come from it x-years from now,” “it is a liberal conspiracy,” “covid is not dangerous, it is just like the normal flu,” and more.

That brings up the question of whether or not it is “acceptable” for them to not get vaccinated. My opinion is that it is perfectly fine for them to take that approach. Perhaps it exposes them to what they consider an “acceptable risk” and they are willing to take that chance. My risk acceptance criteria is different than that, but we all use different metrics and criteria – so have at it. No vaccines, no masks, your choice. Sort of.

The “sort of” part is similar to having a desire to drive an automobile really, really fast – extremely dangerously fast. Is that alright? Certainly – as long as you do it where you don’t endanger others, especially others that don’t want to partake in your risk decisions. You can drive 250 mph as much as you want, but not down my street or on the freeways. As a society we place very few limitations upon the amount of danger an individual can engage in as long as it remains personal to them. That means the results of their risky behavior are local to them, not “shared” with others, with the environment, with the economy, with the medical system or anything else. If you want to take the chance of killing or maiming yourself, have at it as long as you aren’t endangering me, damaging our shared resources or costing me anything.

Not getting vaccinated, and not wearing a mask (etc) is the same situation as engaging in other forms of risky behavior. As long as you strictly quarantine for the duration, have at it. That means NO contact with others. No grocery stores, no restaurants, no schools, no parties, no doctors, no hospitals, no gatherings of any sort. Engaging in any of these sorts of activities exposes you, and thus others, to being infected and continuing the pandemic – in which case you are impacting our shared resources and it is no longer acceptable for you to make these choices for me or others. If you want to create a “pod” that include more people in strict quarantine with you, that would be great! Perfect in fact, much better than masking and vaccinations. However, should the quarantine be broken and someone in the pod gets infected – they shouldn’t be able to shared resources such as the use of medical or hospital facilities. They knew the risks, made their choices, and that is how it should end. If they survive, great. If not, so be it – that’s life. Easy as pie.

Of course the problem is that none of those that are not going to play by the rules involving vaccinations, masks, distancing, sanitation, etc will play by these rules either. They definitely want to have their cake and eat it too. So now it comes down to the question of how do we (society) enforce it. Do we do like automobiles and create a “covid patrol” sort of like the highway patrol? Monitoring, investigations, fines, arrests, jail time including convictions for manslaughter should someone die because of your risky behavior? This is obviously what should happen because people clearly won’t self monitor – which is why we have the highway patrol.

Without an enforcement agency it is up to individual morals, ethics, patriotism and love of community. We know where that lands – people are very happy to enforce those traits for others, but not so willing to self monitor and self control. Given the inability to enforce a strict quarantine (the only known viable option to vaccinations, masking, distancing and sanitation at this time), about all that we can do is say “shame on you” for endangering your friends, family, neighbors and the United States of America. The 800,000+ deaths belong squarely on your shoulders, and any additional deaths and sicknesses pile on them too. If you refuse to take the necessary protections, them YOU are responsible for what happens in the future. Sure, it might be that it would all continue in any case, we can never know the future – but we do know what will work for now and if you don’t control your actions we do know it won’t stop. Kind of like driving 200 mph down the freeway. Perhaps you can do it and nobody dies – perhaps not. If enough people do that surely many will die. We really do have to work together to get past this – and quarantining is a great solution, perhaps the best. So for all of you that don’t trust the vaccine, go for it – we can talk on zoom and might get together again in a few years (or however long it takes for this to pass). Otherwise, do the next best things – and you know what they are.

Mike Calling

It was a beautiful summer morning at our home near the town of Zamora.  My wife was off doing something in town, so I was home by myself, making something in my wood shop. I had taken over the barn to become my “shop” when the kids moved out and we no longer had horses or 4-H projects.  The big, sliding barn door was wide open as usual, so I could easily see and hear what was going on outside.

I heard someone loudly, calling my name as if looking for me.  It is not unusual for people to call out for us when they come to visit because it is sometimes difficult to find us on our tree-covered five acres.  I stopped what I was doing to try to figure out who was calling and where they were.  I heard the call again and was surprised that it was my brother, Michael. He doesn’t get down from Eureka to visit very often, but since we live adjacent to the main north-south freeway in California people sometimes stop to say “hi” on the way by.  I was excited and pleased to hear his voice.  He is my best friend, and I miss having him nearby to talk to.  I always enjoy our visits.  I put down what I was doing and went to find him.  However, I was startled to discover that his car wasn’t there.  I checked around the house and property, but he wasn’t there at all.  I was not only a bit disappointed that he wasn’t actually there, but also very perplexed about how he had managed to call me so clearly without being there.

I let it go as some kind of strange hallucination or dream since it made no other sense to me.  However, the next morning it was still bugging me so I gave him a call (using the telephone this time) to see if he knew anything about it.  He wasn’t aware of any long distance communications, but he was very upset because a mutual friend of ours had just been murdered by his son (the friend’s son) over an argument concerning drugs.   I believe our friend was stabbed to death.  This had happened the day before I heard Mike calling me, and Mike had found out about it just about the time that I heard the calling.  He said he wasn’t aware of trying to contact me.  I was glad that I had called so that he could talk about it.

That is the only time that I recall “hearing voices” in a way that sounded exactly like someone talking.