
Ramin as a Ball of Light

The date was sometime around 1998.  I was taking an experimental college class on the “Toltec Path to Personal Freedom” at the University of California, Davis.  My instructor had worked as an “apprentice” with don Migual Ruiz and was sharing the wisdom he gained from that apprenticeship. I had been taking “beginning” classes from Ramin for a year or so. I eventually ended up taking seven or eight years of beginning classes with him – none of the classes being remotely the same, so they were always a new beginning for me. 

On this evening, Ramin was sitting in front of the class consisting of myself and three or four other students.  We were all sitting on the floor meditating.  There was a candle and some incense burning.  The room was as dimly lit as we could get the classroom without turning all of the lights out.  There may have been some nice music playing, I don’t recall that but it was often the case so I suspect that was the case this evening.  I was sitting crossed legged on the floor, about ten feet away, facing him.  He was seated similarly. 

After meditating for awhile, I decided to open my eyes to gently observe the room and class.  I didn’t break my meditation, I merely opened my eyes.  What I saw surprised me.  The room and students were as I expected, but not the teacher.  He had become a shining ball of fibers suspended a foot or so from floor.  The ball was slightly elongated, more like an egg shape or an oval.  Not pointed on one end like an egg, but longer top to bottom than side to side.  The color was mostly white, but tinged with golden tones.  The glow was not shining in a way that illuminated things in the room, it was an internal glow.  The surface of the ball was complete and solid, but appeared to be made up of millions of closely spaced fibers going from the top to the bottom, rather than a solid continuous surface.  I knew that the ball was the teacher, but could not see him within the ball, even though the ball was translucent and I could see through it.  He appeared to have changed from being a person to being a shiny ball of fibers. 

At this point I became very curious, so I opened my eyes fully and broke my meditation to better observe him as he floated in front of me.  This had no effect upon the vision, it was solid and steady – even though I was fully awake sitting there watching him.  After a few minutes of this, I closed my eyes again and returned to meditation.  When he finally rang the gong to signal us to stop and come back to the room, he was sitting normally as if nothing had happened.  For some reason I didn’t bring it up for discussion, and doubt if he was aware of the transformation. 

I mentioned this event to him a few years later and he didn’t acknowledge it, or deny it.  So I still don’t know if this was a shared experience, or a private one.  I suspect it was a private one which could be attributed to falling asleep and dreaming.  I don’t believe I was asleep.  It felt like I had shifted to a place where seeing in this way is possible, and that he was just right for me to view the reality of the event.  But who knows, all that I can do it tell about what I experienced.  What it really was, or what it really meant, is not within my power to understand at this time.  It was just an interesting event.

Environs of Inverness

Bill Fell 10/27/20 and 11/9,11/20

For Elizabeth, Patti and Lyle


Silver halos radiate from each footstep
Fade away at a stroller’s pace
Time to consider modern hominin imprints

Driftwood finds haven in a cliff face crack
A friend spots a flying alligator sculpture
Once seen, there it is, until whenever

Sand dollars, small crabs, heads or tails
All strewn along a tidal line
Far less fleeting than blankets of foam

Pelican squadron approaches from 9:00
Eyeing our camera, they line up, waving up and down
Out of sight, no fishing, they’ve somewhere else to be

A free-range black lab gallops across 
Sands, dry-warm, wet-cool, totally unscripted
Huge grins, gaiety all around


Driving through familiar landscapes, 
and ultimately to a place I’ve never been 

Seventy years on and just now getting to Bolinas
Causes and auspicious conditions line up

Tiny-town, hippie, artsy, maritime dankness
Fitting it all in to my storylines

Conga drums set up for some tunes later-on?
Perhaps.  But we’re just passing through

The one-room museum honors an elderly local bookmaker
Her old printing press, typefaces, graphics, poesy, thread  

Tide rushes out as seals head-bob in the current
When and where they’ll be next, being the question 

Pelicans roost on their for--now feeding ground
Co-existing with other species

Surfers dress up to catch a pre-dusk wave
For once this weekend, I’m not overdressed

My friend Rocke Warlick

During these months of isolation because of covid I was becoming more and more concerned about a dear friend Rocke Warlick who lives in the basement of a rundown gold rush era hotel in the middle of downtown Sparks, Nevada.  We managed to maintain a close friendship even though we would often go years between connecting with each other, but this time my anxiety increased to the point that I had to take some action. 

Like many times in the past, I started searching for him with an email message. I normally don’t get a response from him using this approach; I usually end up driving the three hours to his place in the hopes of finding him at home. However, my emails don’t bounce so I assume he is still somewhere in the vicinity. Since he has a tendency to roam the world, the odds of finding him at home are not great. This time the email bounced back, meaning that something had changed. On a whim I tried Googling his name, and up popped his obituary!  Something had indeed changed with his passing in October of last year.  I was surprised at the strength of my reaction to this news – I was stunned, and filled with tears.  I am still going through the roller coaster of feeling fine one minute, and choked up with tears and grief the next.  I guess this is a sign of deep connection and love with the deceased – it is too bad that our bodies are so great at informing us of this after the opportunity to stay connected has passed.  I was aware that I really like the guy, and think of him often even when separated by months (or years) – but I wasn’t prepared for the depth of my reaction to his loss.

Rocke was one of those one-in-a-lifetime kind of guys.  His world was always a “big” world with few apparent bounds – everything had an outsized aspect to it.  Perhaps the most amazing, and at times annoying, thing about him was his photographic memory about the big and tiny, details of everything around him.  Because of this, discussions might include recitations of pages of quotes from philosophers such as Kant, to detailed specifications (including part numbers) of the inner workings on some specific vintage fighter plane engine that took his fancy for some reason or another, to lengthy discussions of the theory of relativity or quantum mechanics – or any other of a myriad of possibilities.  It was always far beyond anything I knew about, and in far more detail than I had any desire to know – but he demanded my attention because it was all obviously somehow critically important to the functioning of the world.  I always found him to be endlessly fascinating, but only possible to withstand in small chunks at a time. 

The stories about him are probably endless – each person he encountered undoubtedly has many such stories that can’t be told in the right way because no matter how you approach them they all sound like wild exaggerations, and flights into one sort of fantasy or another – no person can live like that.  In fact, that was always one of my amazements – somehow he managed to get to 81 years as the artist of his own life, painting the most outrageous experiences of life lived his way.  I didn’t think it was “safe” to live like he did. And all the time he was full to overflowing with love, compassion and understanding of others.  He just did things for others, no question, no hesitancy – just “do it”.  Little things like driving down from Sparks on day to bring me a little stone that he felt was full of “power” that I needed to help me through my life.  Or bigger things, like putting on free “feeds” for the local down-and-out folks where he would cook for 300 people in his little kitchen in the bowels of what appeared to be an abandoned gold rush era hotel – at a time when he was obviously destitute himself.  Money didn’t appear to hang around him very long, there were always much more important things that needed doing. The stories could go on forever, but never really capture the essence of the man – my friend and a reminder that I have choices about how I want to life my life.   He will be missed – even though I seldom talked to him.  I knew that an amazing experience was in the offering whenever I felt the need to partake. 

Wheel of Energy

This event happened on my 1996 (or thereabouts) trip to Teotihuacán with don Miguel Ruiz and his group of apprentices.  It was either on the evening of the day where I saw the energy coming from the top of the pyramid of the Moon, or the following evening.  By this time I had come to understand that there is a huge amount of energy at that location and was prepared to experience it.

All of us had gathered after dinner for our evening meeting/class/discussion group with don Miguel. He had us all sit facing each other in a large circle on the floor of the meeting room.  There were about a hundred of us in a circle that was about sixty feet in diameter, sitting cross-legged; wondering what was going to happen next.

We were instructed to look into the eyes of the person sitting directly across from us in the circle.  As first there was a little confusion as we adjusted to find the person and make eye contact with them.  Finally we settled down and sat looking into each other’s eyes. At that point I noticed faint lines of energy extending across the room from person to person, like the spokes of a large wheel.  The spokes were not quite at eye level, but were slightly above my eyes, maybe at the top of my head.  It looked like I was sitting with my head very near a ceiling or maybe near the bottom side of a fog bank.

Then we were asked to shift our attention to the eyes of the person to the left of the person we were looking at, and then to the next and the next, going around and around the circle in a counter-clockwise direction.  As we did this the wheel of energy started spinning at the same speed that we were shifting our attention.  My attention became split at this point.  Part of me was watching the eyes of the person that I was watching, but I was also noticing that the “wheel” of energy was turning above us, following the shifting of our attention from person to person.  It looked like glowing lines from many lasers stretching across the space between us.  The lines were bright and shimmery, the color of  golden and silver threads.  They were now very bright and distinct, not the faint lines that I had first noticed.  It felt like sitting under low-hanging fog with light beams making the fog glow just above my eyes.

This went on for quite some time, until we were asked to stop and just reflect upon the experience.  I leaned over to a guy sitting next to me and whispered something like, “wasn’t that amazing, all of those spokes of energy following our eyes around the room.”  He just looked at me with a puzzled look and said that he hadn’t seen any lines of energy.  I was so sure that we had all seen the spinning wheel that I was kind of surprised at his response.  I thought; “What? You didn’t see that?  How could that be, it was so bright and obvious.” 

I didn’t try to talk to anyone else about the wheel of spinning lights, it seemed to be something private to me (or at least that individual wasn’t in on it).  I don’t suppose it matters if we can actually share these types of experiences.  The point is that we have them, and we know them to be “real” in some mysterious way.  I think we don’t actually get to share any of our experiences, we only think we do and have developed a language and a way of speaking that supports that belief. 

Deal with the upgrades later

Bill Fell 10/10/20

“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts”

Henry David Thoreau

So, finally I break down and get a smart phone.  And I am actually carrying it with me when I remember.  So why the change of heart?  I was finally persuaded that to NOT carry a phone is not exactly in step with the bodhisattva vow given that others occasionally might count on me for help.

Where was Walt Whitman’s phone?
  What am I aspiring for?
    Why did I phonelessly hunt golf balls
      When I was needed at home?
Abandon old ways, Bill

Where’s the open-heart in that? 
  What’s the openness called for in our vows?
    Why do I resist another imagined tether
      When I have caller ID, just
Learn which buttons to push

Sweet Boogie

Bill Fell 9/3, 12/20

Aileen always used to say; “Bill, you are Boogie’s human.”  I had to agree.  Boogie passed away on my 70th birthday which is interesting – a serious hit of sickness, old age and death.  We are guessing she was about 15 as we had her for a dozen years since the Vet guessed she was three.  It is helpful to have a set of poetry-inclined friends and community of like-minded, like-hearted friends so that I’m not writing these things for just myself.  

“Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we’ll ever eat. We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life.”  Ani Pema in Awakening Loving Kindness p. 48

Hours alone in the den sitting sphinx-like
Then, bride-assisted
Another last leap to my supine lap
You know it’s OK to walk all over me

Your faded forever pink collar, so loose
Diva | Boogie (530) 753-2846
Worn away jet-black thinning hair 
From a very visible gray skin

Another quality-time petting, 
No purr, we stare
Greenish-gold eye to my bluish-grays
A familiar evening nose-to-nose

My stroke down your bony spine
Slowly . . .  approaching your behind
You reflexively stand at attention
Before settling back down

Bless you, dear friend, for joining US
Warming US 
Sharing that silent meow look, as if
“We’re in this together . . . , right?”

Fashion art by my mother, Viola Clark Hoes

These are a few of the fashion sketches that my mother did in her late teens. The first that I ever recall seeing them was when going through my father’s things after he died, which was nine years after her death. She had talents that I never knew about, and my guess is that she had aspirations that were never met because instead she focused on attending to her family (us).


This weekend I got to remembering the marble games we used to have during recess when I was in grade school. Spring was the “marble season” – perhaps that is what brought it back to my memory. As I think about it the feeling is kind of “Leave it to Beaver” moment in the ’50’s before the world became paranoid during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

We played three different, but similar games. One was playing in a circle scratched in the dirt, another was in the shape of a fish, and the third as a game of “catch me if you can’ chasing game. I much preferred the one played in the circle. The game went something like this: (1) players dropped a number of their marbles into the ring, (2) someone started shooting from outside the ring, trying to knock a marble out, (3) if you knocked a marble out but stayed in the ring, you could shoot again, (4) if your “shooter” went out of the ring, or if you didn’t eject another marble, it was the end of your turn. Then it went to the next person. I don’t recall how the order of shooters was selected. My recollection says that if you missed and ended up in the ring, then your “shooter” was fair game for the next people. This was a serious situation because prized “shooters” were almost magic, losing one was not a good thing so you had to try to avoid being stranded at the end of your term.

I wasn’t a very good player, but consistent. I often won a couple of extra marbles, but wasn’t good enough to run the ring and knock all of them out. That was an advantage to me because people would play with me, usually someone else would pick up a few extra marbles too. The “good” players had a harder time getting a game – who wants to play someone that takes ALL of the marbles every time.

As the weeks from spring to summer progressed each year my marble bag would get full, to the point that I made a much larger bag than normal to hold my small but consistent winnings. As summer approached, things began to get more difficult because I often had most of the marbles, other players didn’t have enough to join a game. That is when we would switch to “chase” because that only took one marble to join a game.

When we were finally in the last week before summer, I did something that seems odd in retrospect. I would go to the middle of the paved part of the playground and dump all of the marbles out of my bad onto the pavement. They scattered in all directions, being chased down by whoever happened to be there – restoring almost everyone’s stash of marbles. I ended up with none (except for my magic shooters and enough to start playing during the following spring. Next year it would happen all over again. The thing about marbles is that they were expensive (for us kids) and relatively difficult to come by – being mostly passed down from kid to kid, or maybe parents buying a little bag if needed. My guess is that there was pretty much a constant number of marbles in play, we didn’t just “print” more when we ran out.

This reminded me a little of some of the stories about the Native American potlatch idea. Potlatches were “give away” ceremonies held for many reasons such as celebrating a birth, a victory, or some other good event. However, it is my understanding that they were also used as a means for “redistributing” wealth when as a course of events one person would accumulate too much while others didn’t have enough (kind of like my marble conundrum). There seems to be a natural tendency in trading situations for some people to acquire more while other get less. This tendency accelerates over time because the “rich” people have more, and better, resources and therefore have an edge in the game. The rules of the game of trade where that everyone had to try their best, but just naturally there were differences and the wealth would become too unbalanced. Periodically this would become unbalanced enough that it was time for a give-away (potlatch) to even out the wealth within the tribe. If this wasn’t done, then the game broke and could no longer be played (just like with my marble game). Resetting the wealth allowed a game that was obviously flawed because of the tendency of wealth to accumulate wealth to continue functioning thousands of years (or in my case, until the next spring).

At one point in the United States we attempted something similar through a steeply escalating tax structure. In the 50’s the top tax rate was as high as 90%, effectively limiting the accumulation of resources (wealth) by a few – thus fueling a very vigorous and thriving economy. Roads were built, public schools worked, colleges were almost free, the health care system was rapidly growing and finding amazing cures. We were attempting to follow Henry Ford’s business model that he had to pay his workers enough so that they could buy his cars because he needed to sell cars. He was wise enough to understand that he had to create a market for his products if he was going to succeed.

It seems to me that we have somehow lost track of the idea that taxes build things that industry requires in order to be healthy, and that industry requires a consumer base that can afford their products. They need a healthy and educated workforce. An easy way to accomplish that is to pay for the education, pay for a health care system and pay for many other services that are vital to the efficient and competitive functioning of the economy – including their businesses. All of those kinds of “socialist” things aren’t the wealthy paying for other people, it is the wealthy paying for the services that they require in order to do business. It is using the economic benefits of taxes to pay for things that are required by industry but which industry has no means of providing on their own.