
Dream Teachers

As far back as I can remember I have had vivid, fun dreams.  For example, I dream of flying on a regular basis. In these dreams I need a board like a swimming pool kick board to guide me though the air.  I start by giving a little jump heading toward the ground with the board held out in front of me sort of like diving into a pool.  Just before I hit the ground I gain enough speed to fly and then can turn toward the sky.  While the dreams are vivid, and sometimes easy to recall, they are always obviously dreams and things just seem to happen to me in them. I go along for the ride but don’t really have much control.  In fact, whenever I try to control them (such as when running away from a bad guy), I find that I am mired down in some sort of impossible situation where I can barely move, much less run.  The harder I try to move, the more difficult it becomes. However, after many years of experiencing these kinds of vivid dreams I started having dreams of an entirely different level of “reality.”  I started having what are sometimes called lucid dreams, dreams so real and so solid that my experiences of them have the same quality of being “real” as when I am awake – assuming I am ever actually awake.

Starting about 1995 I began having lucid dreams that are of an entirely different nature from my normal vivid dreams when I experience things, but somehow lack control.  These lucid dreams often include a small group of friends and/or teachers.  These dreams are extremely realistic; in fact they are so realistic that sometimes they involve group discussions with some of my Toltec friends where we are trying to decide the difference between these types of dreams and real life – often concluding that they are real life. For example, a few years ago I had a dream where Ramin and some of our friends were sitting in my living room trying to figure out if we were in a dream, or if we were actually awake.  Everything looked, felt, tasted and smelled normal.  We did all sorts of things to try to identify a difference, but couldn’t find anything.   There was nothing that we could find that gave it away.  At one point someone was arguing that it had to be real because they were having their own thoughts and I couldn’t dream their thoughts for them.  In this particular dream we couldn’t come to a decision until I woke up.  Then I got up from my bed and started into my “real” life, going to the bathroom and starting to take a shower – then I woke up again.  I found myself in bed again, wondering what that was about.  Mary Jo and I talked about this odd dream within a dream, and just sort of lay there warm and comfortable, when I woke up again!  Now it was getting spooky, how many times do I have to wake up, and how do I know when I am actually awake?  I guess this last one was the “real” one since I didn’t wake up again – but that is just a guess.

I used to try to see my hands in my dreams because that is what don Juan instructed Carlos Castaneda to do.  While it was very easy to see things and look around, it was extremely difficult to remember to look at my hands.  For one thing, it is quite difficult to even know that these dreams are dreams, they are so life-like that there is usually nothing that stands out and says “this is a dream.”  I finally decided that the solution to this problem is to periodically look at my hands when I am awake – on the off chance that I am really not awake but asleep dreaming instead.  This approach worked.  I found that it was relatively easy to look at my hands, all that I had to do was do it.  However, they are different looking in my dreams.  My dream hands have five fingers and a thumb.  The extra digit is a very useful thing.  Now I don’t get confused and wonder if I am awake or asleep; all I have to do is look at my hands and if there are five fingers, I know that I am asleep and dreaming.  I still don’t know if sometimes I have four fingers when I am dreaming, but at least some of the time it is obvious that I am dreaming.

This is very useful because it lets me know that I am dreaming, and then I can do things fully aware that they are dream actions.  Carlos’ book, The Art of Dreaming, discusses practices that can be done to strengthen and broaden dreaming powers.  He suggests things like learning to move purposefully.  As he indicates, after a little practice it is possible to control movements; however, I don’t normally do that while in these types of dreams. Instead I “intend” my movements.  I can just intend to be in a different place, and I am.  I practiced this one time while dreaming I was in a large courtyard with my brother Michael.  It started with him being at one end and myself at the other.  Then I just intended myself to be next to him, and I was.  I bounced around the courtyard like that for awhile, and then taught him how to do the same.  That was all that this dream included, it was just an exercise in moving from place to place.  I had another where I was in a room with a window.  Outside of the window was a grassy field, with a billboard off in the distance.  I practiced intending myself to the location of the billboard, and then from place to place after that. 

 In my normal dreams I do all sorts of things, but they are not necessarily under my control.  These dreams can be very vivid, but are not what I mean by “lucid” dreams.  Lucid dreams are somehow more than vivid dreams, in some mysterious way they seem to be somehow “real” rather than hallucinations.   After some practice I got to the point where it because easy to “intend” movement within a dream.  I finally got to the point that I can not only intend my dreaming movements, but I can intend the content of the dream.  I wake up so fully in these dreams that I can purposefully do just about anything that I feel is important to do.  Carlos indicates that after learning to move, change the content, and dream within dreams, one of the next steps is to start to identify the “real” things in dreams apart from the imagined things.  He says that there are “allies” that inhabit these types of dreams, that we can identify them as “sizzling” energy, and that we can make use of our relationship with them. He talks about pointing to things within the dream and if they are allies, they will sizzle.   I am at the point where that was the next step, but have stopped having these types of dreams altogether.  I have a feeling that I just don’t have the energy to deal with these allies yet, maybe someday I will and maybe someday I will return to this type of dreaming practice.

Even though I no longer seem to be practicing according to Carlos’ directions, I still have lucid dreams, I just don’t practice this kind of control.  These dreams are now almost always in the form of classes where one or more of my teachers is helping me along my spiritual path.  I get instructions, demonstrations, and “homework assignments” just as I do from my awake teachers.  I seem to have a male and a female teacher that keep coming back to give me instructions.  In addition, now and then they bring others with them.  Unfortunately, while I can recall the experience of having these dreams, I can’t recall the details of the teachings.  I am assuming that the lessons stay in my mind at some level, just not at a level that I have ready access to with my memory.  I wonder  if someday these experiences might become accessible again, just as Carlos describes his experiences with don Juan and the other naguals.  It really doesn’t matter much because it is clear to me that I am learning the lessons, even though I don’t recall them as normal memories.  They are just part of the mystery of it all. 

Finding value by “supply and demand”

One of the key theoretical elements of our current economic system is that the idea of “supply and demand” is exquisitely sensitive to the comparative values of goods and services – it is considered to be “the” correct way to find a fair value. However, it also seems to have some inherent problems that result in clearly incorrect valuations unless appropriate controls are put into place on the process. Last week’s energy crisis in Texas dramatically pointed out one of these problems. There were multiple instances of people getting power bills that were on the order of a hundred times “normal.” One example that was shown on the news was a man whose usual power bill is $200 a month getting a bill for $17,000. Apparently the reason for this is that since all of the power, and most of the natural gas supply, had been put out of commission by the cold weather – there was almost no supply. However, the demand remained unchanged. That means that the ratio of costs automatically tipped, resulting in these outlandish overvaluation of the power that was delivered, creating the startling bills.

There were many things wrong with what happened. One was that the customer have no way of knowing the actual cost of fuel at the time that they are using it. They signed up to a contract that said the amount that they pay is based upon the instantaneous price point of energy – under the assumption that paying a fixed price would require the power companies to add a “cushion” resulting in higher prices. The problem with this is while it might result in lower instantaneous prices, it can also work the other way and result in higher (shockingly higher) prices. The idea of only paying the “real” price makes sense if you know the real price, and you have the ability to adjust your demand when necessary. However, in situations such as what happened in Texas none of that applied. They didn’t know the price they were paying, and they needed to keep power on for heat, lights and cooking. They didn’t find out about the change in price until after they had used the product and incurred the cost. This is clearly not in alignment with any of the economic theories that posit a balancing of costs because knowledge and negotiations between the buyer and seller.

This all happened largely because Texas considers itself “free and independent”, without regulations as much as possible. Because of this they disconnected themselves from other national grids, removed or didn’t implement regulations concerning the maintenance and design of grid components, and allowed the price of energy to fluctuate without bounds. Therefore, when the terrible weather (which happens every few years), they hadn’t weatherized their energy system, couldn’t get emergency power from out of the state, and prices skyrocketed. It was all very predictable (and had been predicted), but nothing was done about those predictions.

I think this presents us with a very interesting, and sad, example of why an appropriate level of regulations are necessary. In order for a large, interconnected, highly unstable economy (such as exists in the USA) to function properly and equitably regulations are absolutely necessary. The discussion shouldn’t be polarized like it is these days with the too sides going into the far extremes. The discussion should be on figuring out what needs to be regulated and what doesn’t, and how to achieve an optimal level of regulation to provide necessary protections and at the same time not stifle creativity. We need regulations and standards, but we also need to be sensitive to only regulate what needs to be regulated. Clearly, when profits are involved we cannot depend upon companies regulating themselves – that has been shown far too often to be a seemingly impossible expectation.

As an aside, the idea of not interconnecting the State’s power grid with the other major power grids in nearby states reminds me of the bad old days when each region’s railroads used a different gauge (distance between tracks). That was all well and good, but sure made it difficult to share resources or do business across state lines. Apparently there were more than 20 different gauges in use at the same time. That became a real problem during the Civil war because everything had to be unloaded and reloaded (by hand) at each transition. However, it might have some utility in preventing an enemy neighbor from just rolling on it. Of course that is easily fixed. Australia still has this problem of multiple gauges in the same country. Some places have a third rail to accommodate two different gauges on one track, I have been told that there are devices that change the spacing of train wheels (although I never saw them in action), and otherwise there is a lot of unloading and loading to transfer shipments. I am sort of surprised that Texas didn’t go all out and institute a difference frequency and/or voltage standard for their State.

Angel Lady

My encounter with an angel has made lasting and important changes to my life.  One of the obvious changes is associated with the nagging question of “who was that lady?” I assume that it all can be rationally argued by considering that the lady was just a normal person who stopped to help at the accident scene and that her use of the term “guardian angel” was purely metaphorical, rather than factual.

I encountered my first “angel” sometime in the summer of 1995 or 1996 in the tiny town of Zamora, California. I had recently joined the local volunteer fire department and was still quite apprehensive about going to automobile accidents for fear that I would do something wrong and hurt someone. Actually, “apprehensive” is an understatement, “terrified” is closer to the truth.

One afternoon I got a call on my fire department pager notifying me that there had been an accident on one of the main county roads just outside of town.  I quickly put on my “turnouts” and rushed off to the call, but came upon the accident before I managed to get to the fire department.  I parked my car and went to see what I could do.  The accident was a very serious one where a small car had been hit in the driver’s side door by the business end of a “harrow bed.”  A harrow bed is a large truck-based machine that is used to pick up and stack bales of hay in the fields.  It has a long “scoop” device that sticks out the front of the vehicle.  The scoop moves up and down so that it can slide under a bale of hay, picking it up off of the ground.  The bale is then placed onto a conveyor belt that moves it toward the rear of the vehicle where it is automatically stacked.  Since harrow beds are built on truck chassis, they travel on normal roads at highway speeds when going from field to field during the haying season. 

The driver of the car had pulled out in front of the harrow bed at an intersection, and the scoop device crashed through the door, crushing the driver to the right side, pressing her down into the lap of the passenger.  The mangled door and intruding scoop device held her down in a bent over, sideways position. Our problem was to safely and quickly get the driver and the passenger out of the car and into the waiting ambulances.  The car was so crushed that both of the ladies in the car were trapped. The driver was obviously very seriously injured with massive head and torso injuries.  The scoop end of the harrow bed was intertwined with the wreckage, and had lifted the front portion of the car off of the ground.  This event happened before the fire department owned a “jaws of life” device, so extrication had to be done with hammers, axes, saws, bars or whatever was available.  My job was to get inside of the car next to the women, calming them as much as possible while holding a tarp over them to protect them from broken glass, and do whatever I could to help them medically. 

The three of us ended up in a very tight position in the front seats.  We were covered up by the tarp. We couldn’t see what was happening outside, but we could hear and feel the banging and twisting of metal as the firemen worked at opening enough space to pull the women free from the wreckage.  It was pretty disorienting and rather frightening being unable to see out. The passenger did not seem to have a medical emergency, but was very hysterical.  She was screaming, crying and calling for her friend.  Her friend’s head was smashed into the passenger’s lap so she couldn’t move.  The driver was clearly in extremely serious danger, she was unconscious, bent in ways that are impossible for a normal person, and was bleeding out of her head, mouth and ears.  Blood was pooling in the passenger’s lap.  While it was clear that this was an emergency situation, there was nothing that I, nor anyone else, could do to help the driver because of the position of her body, the presence of the passenger, and the tangled mess of metal surrounding her.  All that I could do was try to calm the passenger and hold my hands on the driver’s head in a gesture of compassion. 

I quickly found myself enveloped in a very strange feeling of love and compassionate energy.  It felt like the three of us had been somehow transported into a new dimension where we were in a bubble, separate from the rest of the world.  The passenger calmed down and it just felt like we were somehow outside of time with the three of us joined together in a single energy field. 

After some time passed (I have no idea how long it was), the passenger asked me about her daughter.  This took me by surprise because as far as I knew there were only two people in the accident.  I asked her what she was talking about and she told me that her young daughter was in the back seat of the car.  I looked back there and found there was no back seat!  It had been ripped loose.  The car was crushed and mangled, but there was nobody else in the car.  I had the thought that the daughter must have been thrown out of the car and was lying injured in a ditch somewhere, unattended because we didn’t know of her presence.

I decided to get out of the car and go find the little girl.  As I started to do so, I came face to face with a very nice looking lady in her late twenties or early thirties.  She put up her hand to stop me and very forcefully said that I needed to stay where I was, that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing, and that the little girl was uninjured.  She said that she was the girl’s “guardian angel” and had taken the girl out of the car following the accident.   She told me that she had taken the girl to a nearby parking lot and was helping her. She also said that my job was to stay with the mother and the driver, her job was to look after the little girl.  For some odd reason, I was convinced at that moment that she was just what she claimed to be (an angel), and that her directions were to be followed.  I returned to my job of holding the energy and light within the vehicle.

The other firemen finally got enough of the vehicle untangled and torn apart enough to be able to slide the driver out from under the steering wheel.  I helped pull the passenger out of the car and place her on a gurney.  I then returned to help extricate the driver.  The first task I had to do was to reach through the passenger side door, lying over the driver in order to get to her feet to move them out from under the pedals.  Once the driver’s feet were clear of the pedals, the EMT lady from one of the ambulances told me to help pull and lift her out, but warned me that when we pulled on the girl (the driver) we would probably pull her in half and she would die immediately!  My mind’s eye raced to the vision of seeing the girl’s guts and blood spill out as we tried to pull her free.  This image just about did me in, but somehow I stayed steady and calm.   Happily, the girl stayed in one piece and we were able to get her onto another gurney, perform some emergency procedures on her, and place her into a waiting ambulance. 

The passenger was once again screaming and crying in hysteria.  She wanted to see her daughter and wanted her friend to live.  I told her that I would get her daughter for her, but that she had to become strong for her daughter, she couldn’t be screaming and hysterical or it would hurt her daughter.  I held her hands and she finally calmed herself, and I went to get the daughter.  I found her easily, but the lady that I had talked to was nowhere to be found.  A few neighbors were taking care of the little girl, but there was no sign that the “angel lady” was there, or had ever been there.  I asked around but nobody had seen the person that I had talked to at the car.

Once the ladies were taken away by the ambulances, we heard nothing more about the two young women.  I wanted feedback from the hospital concerning their condition, but that was not available.

For the next few days I kept having very uneasy feelings about the driver.  My mind kept going back to her, drawn somehow not so much by the image of that day, but by her in the hospital.  I assumed that it was just that I was still in the drama/trauma of the event.  About a week later I was sitting in meditation under a tree in the early morning as the sun came up.  I felt strongly drawn to a mental image of the driver, who was in the hospital 30 or so miles away.  It was as if I was being pulled that way, more than just my attention being pulled – it felt like a physical force.  I was noticing that when all of a sudden my body started to shake and shiver as if something was physically shaking me about.  I felt hot, and then cold, and was shivering all over.  This didn’t last long, just a few seconds, and then I felt calm and peaceful.  It was like a wave had come over me and then passed, leaving a great calmness behind.  It felt like I was finally finished with my job, I was released and at ease.

That day we heard more about the women.  The passenger was not seriously injured, as I had expected.  The driver was very seriously injured with many internal injuries, broken bones, and a serious head injury.  She had been in a coma until that morning, when she finally woke up.  As far as I was able to determine, she woke up about the same time that I felt the shivering.  I later heard that the driver survived, but was confined to a wheelchair.  I don’t know what the final outcome has been for the driver, and have not seen either of the ladies since that day.

Since that encounter I have had a few experiences with “healing” events as described in other stories.  I can’t say that I healed anyone because that is obviously not true.  I was there when people got better, observed the changes that took place, and I felt what seemed like energy flowing from me to them – but that is all.   However, upon careful consideration it appears to me that these healing events are somehow tied into the encounter with “the angel.”  That seems to mark a transition in my life that opened up something in me that makes me feel more “connected” to people than I had before that day.  I think maybe that “connection” has something to do with compassion, and that compassion has allowed me to be more aware of others in need – and the act of being aware helps.

As a final note, there was a lawsuit concerning the design of the intersection and the county put up a new flashing light to control the intersection.  As a result of this accident, the fire department purchased a “jaws of life,” which has aided us to more quickly rescue several people.  There have been no serious accidents at that location since the flashing lights were installed.

Storage bins

Yesterday was the beginning of “spring cleaning” in my shop. My approach to working in my shop leaves much to be desired from many points of view. One of my really “bad” habits is that I tend to not put things away as I work on projects. Things just get left out on the surfaces for easy access, but after awhile they pile up to the point where I no longer can find them when needed. When that happens it is once again time to put things back where they “live.” Of course that means that the old adage of “a place for everything and everything in its place” becomes important – but unfortunately it is not the situation in my shop. There are places for many things, but there is always a great deal of “overflow” having no home. This stuff just keeps floating around on the surface – always in the way and looking messy.

My wife and I live on a five acre piece of land that could be a “mini-farm”, but is really just a huge back yard. Bigger than we can, or want, to maintain. Our solution to this is to hire part time folks to help out with the “yard” work. This arrangement helps us and gives them a flexible job. However, when it rains we make up jobs that aren’t really necessary so they can work out of the rain – but keep some work going their way. Often this extra work has to do with “cleaning up,” which is where my problem with not have a place for everything comes up.

In an effort to make things look nice and neat, these folks have a tendency to put that loose stuff that is floating around into five gallon buckets – all jumbled indiscriminately together! I end up with buckets of unknown stuff hidden in the corners of the shop. This makes things look nice, but of course it also means that I have no idea where any of it is, leading to great frustration when I need something. As disorganized the situation appeared before, at least I could find things. The approach of filling buckets is just the opposite.

I decided that part of the problem is that don’t have any way to provide enough “homes” for all of the little odds and ends. I have some really nice plastic bins that hang on a wall, but not enough of them. They look like this

These are great, but there are no nearly enough of them. There are more hanger spaces than I have bins, so a partial solution to my problem of not enough “homes” is to purchase more bins. Unfortunately, the local hardware stores don’t stock the same brand of bins. They all stock other brands that make almost identical bins. These other brands make bins that are the same colors, same thickness, apparently the same molds with different brand names. As far as I can tell, these other brands are “knock offs” of the original ones that I purchased decades ago. I took a sample to the hardware store to do side-by-side comparisons and they seemed identical in every way, so I purchased a bunch of them.

I was all set and ready to start “organizing” when I got home, but found that the new bins wouldn’t quite fit the tabs on the wall rack. I could get them on by using two hands and quite a bit of force, but they didn’t just slide right on like the original ones. Upon careful inspection I found that they weren’t “exactly” the same. The original ones have tiny ridges in the tab that hooks onto the rack. Like this:

Those two little “bumps” in the middle keep the opening large, and straight, enough to fit onto the wall unit. That little detail wasn’t included in the “re-engineering” of the knock-offs. This little detail, this little oversight, transformed a cleaver “borrowing” of a design from a quality item to an item that doesn’t work.

I am writing this as an example of the kinds of things that separate quality products from so-so ones. It is the reason that I often pay a little more for something that appears to be “the same.” Tiny differences can change the experience of using the product from being easy and comfortable, to difficult and frustrating. Sometimes the differences are as blatantly obvious as the lack of the tiny tabs, sometimes it is hidden in the properties of the materials – perhaps the difference is just a short cut on the heat treatment of the metal being used. Often the “short cut” doesn’t even change the cost of production, as in the case of the bins where the presence of the tiny bumps would have cost nothing – but the understanding of the features of the higher quality product was not recognized. “Quality” is the sum total of all the “little things.” Mass production aimed at continually achieving ever smaller savings results in the continued spirally down of many products and many production techniques – worldwide. In most cases these cost improvement don’t translate into cheaper products for the consumer, they only translate into higher profits and lower quality products.

Enough of my evangelizing about the apparent slow slide into meritocracy. I just wanted to share what I thought was an interesting case of an “almost” (but not quite) successful clone of a successful product. The outcome was that I returned the bins to the local store and instead purchased them online from Amazon. I try to make as many purchases as possible locally, even when the costs are a bit higher and I have drive 40 miles to get to town (20 miles each way) to get them. But I am finding that harder and harder to do because the selections at the local stores are rapidly shrinking, but also because the quality of merchandise offered is steadily going below my personal cutoff for “acceptable.” I avoid buying inexpensive (meaning low quality) tools and equipment because it is just too expensive due to “not quite” working, with frustrations instead of joy in its use, and the much shorter life before it breaks and has to be replaced.

Energy Use vs Population

While researching material for my new “paper” (or perhaps, book) on the global energy situation, I found an interesting relationship that surprises. I started my research by looking into the question of global population growth over the past 200 years. As I expected, when plotted on a graph the curve took the familiar shape of an exponential growth curve – one that is well into the “hockey stick” portion of the curve. Out of curiosity I decided to plot a curve of the global energy use over the same period of time. The results are shown on this graph:

The thing that stood out to me is the rather amazing similarities in the shape of the two curves. As I anticipated, the energy used per capita has been increasing over time as the energy use changed from mostly manual energy (which doesn’t show up on the graph) to more use of external energy sources. I was unable to determine exactly what was considered as “energy use” two hundred years ago, I assume it is referencing sources such as water power, burning of wood and coal, and possibly wind power. I don’t think it included power provided by humans or their domestic animals. In any case, those sources of power would have been minor. The important part of this to me is the observation that even throughout the introduction of the industrial age, there is a strong correlational between the growth rate of the population and that the growth rate of the use of energy – with the use of energy growing substantially faster than the overall population starting at about the time of world war II.

Finding ourselves at this point on the upward turning bend in the growth curve means that things are going to get very much worse very quickly. No matter how you look at it, we are rapidly approaching the point in time when the available resources will be used up, the point where not only can we continue to grow, but the impacts of such growth will become catastrophic in terms of lack of available resources to support the population. Unfortunately, not only will the resources be unable to sustain the vastly increase population, but even after the size of the population collapses we will be in serious trouble because the accessible resources needed to support a much smaller population will have been used up and will no longer be available

This is a similar curve that we were presented with last March with the introduction of covid-19. At that time we were on a curve roughly equivalent to 1850 on the blue curve of the graph. At that time there were a few thousand fatalities from the disease world wide. At that time, it was clear that a major pandemic was underway, even though at the time there were almost no cases in the world outside of China. We followed an exponential growth curve from the initial zero cases to over 400,000 deaths in the USA alone in a year. The curve would have been MUCH steeper had we not instituted heroic efforts to “flatten the curve.” The time line for that has the same general shape as for population and energy use, but over a different duration.

The graph of population versus energy use makes it clear that real problem is with the global rate of population growth. It is driving the use of energy, and driving it is ways that we will be unlikely to be able to maintain by just providing more energy. The only solution is to “flatten the curve” by reducing per capita consumption (or, I suppose, rapidly reduce the population). Given that we would rather avoid a rapid die-out of our population, the only solution is to find ways to get by on the energy from that can be sustained long into the future. I am convinced that this will require finding ways to reduce our use of energy while maintaining an acceptable lifestyle. It seems to me that this points to a need to achieve massive improvements in the efficiency for everything that depends upon energy use. There might still be time to “flatten the curve” of our energy demand if we really take on the problem as an existential one, which happens to be the case. Letting the curve continue steepening has only one possible outcome, which will not be a problem for “the earth” because the earth doesn’t care about anything, but it will be a huge problem for humans.

First responder’s choices

While listening to a local news report yesterday I heard something that really made me stop and wonder what the world is coming to. The reporter was interviewing a fire chief concerning the level of protection concerning covid-19 required by firemen in his department. The specific question was whether or not they were all getting vaccinated, but the answer turned out to be much broader than that. The answer brought up very concerning implications for the heath and safety of the community. His answer was that not only was the decision to get vaccinated or not a personal choice, but so is the use of other protective measures such as masking/distancing/sanitation. His position is that whether or not first responders want to take precautions against spreading communicable disease is the personal choice of the individual. What immediately sprang to mind upon hearing this was the example of “typhoid Mary.” Mary became famous a little over 100 years ago for being the first known case of an asymptomatic infected person accidentally (and unknowingly) spreading a deadly infectious disease throughout a community. In her case she “only” infected 53 people with a horrible disease, “only” three of whom died. The importance of her lesson was how deadly and dangerous the situation is when there are asymptomatic people with highly contagious deadly diseases in daily contact with those who are at risk. I can’t imagine a situation that is more ripe for this kind of problem than the situation where first responders are asymptotically infected while doing their job.

First responders are highly likely to be exposed to infected persons because that is their job – they respond when people are in distress. Therefore, the opportunity for first responders to become exposed to a disease such as covid is extremely high. In fact it is so high for some other diseases that being vaccinated is a job requirement, not a personal option. The same situation applies to other jobs such as teaching in public schools – vaccinations for certain diseases are mandatory. In addition to a high risk of them to be exposed and infected, there is also an extremely high risk of an asymptomatic responder infecting the “patient” because of the necessary extremely close proximity in many cases involving serious illness or injury (such as when helping at an automobile accident). The nature of the job is to work very hard (lots of heavy breathing, lots of shouting to communicate in the chaos of an event, etc.) in extremely close quarters with serious ill or injured persons whose immunity might be very low because of their condition. It is practically impossible to maintain any “social distancing” or to effectively wear face masks during typical events unless there is a clear and present danger to the fireman, at which point they do have the option to wear highly protective masks with supplied air – but this is seldom done except in situations where there are known respiratory hazards (such as smoke or chemicals). The “mental model” is all about protecting the first responders from the environment or disease from the person being helped, there is little or not consideration about protecting that person from the first responder.

I recently happened to observe a group of first responders in their “time off” mode of interacting with each other and their non-responder friends. They were taking absolutely zero measures to protect each other by wearing masks, distancing, or in any other observable actions. I assume that this is a direct response to the fact that they are regularly forced into the untenable situation of having to perform vital duties that radically violate all proposed safety protocols of masking, distance, avoiding contact, sanitizing after every potential encounter, etc. I can understand a point of view of since it is impossible to avoid the risk when doing the job involving the unknown public, there is little point in taking those precautions when dealing with colleagues and friends in social situations. I get that point of view – they are almost certainly going to be exposed during “work”, so why take so many difficult actions when relaxing during off hours?

This sets up a situation that is exactly why first responders should be mandated to be vaccinated ASAP. They present a grave danger to the public because of the nature of their job if they become carriers (asymptomatic or otherwise) of the virus. The point isn’t whether they are “brave enough” (or proud enough) to be willing to expose themselves and their family to the disease, it is that THEY are the danger to those that they so heroically serve. The risk being decided upon by the fire chief is not about whether the responders will get the disease, it is about whether they will spread it. In my opinion, the “choice” before the individual firemen shouldn’t be whether or not they want to be vaccinated (and do all of the other appropriate precautionary measures, including being tested on a very regular basis), it is whether or not they want to act as firemen for the duration of this pandemic. I agree that there is a personal choice to be made, but it is not whether or not to be vaccinated, it is whether or not you want the job.

By the way, it is my additional opinion that everyone should have a similar choice about complying with the protective measures of social distancing, hand washing, masking, etc. If they don’t want to do that, then they should be willing to stay out of all public places (quarantine themselves from the general public), and be willing to turn down any medical services associated with covid infection. That would make it a truly personal decision about how they want to deal with the risks, but those decisions would not impact the rest of the public that do not wish to be exposed because of someone else’s personal decision. Perhaps the results of being caught violating the rules and regulations with regard to masking and other this is just a citation, a citation that prevents that person from receiving medical attention or other public assistance associated with having the disease – thus freeing up the medical staff and facilities those of us that do not wish to die from the disease. As it is they are insisting upon having their cake and eating it too. They want their “freedom” but then expect the rest of us to pay the price associated with their choice. I think they should pay for their choices by accepting the natural results that come from them. (This is slightly “tongue in cheek” along the lines of Jonathan Swift’s1729 essay the “modest proposal” for solving the devastating food shortage in Ireland – it is likely to be an unpopular solution but it does seem to offer a fair criteria for making the choice of ignoring the public impacts of the current pandemic.)


I don’t have any idea why this story is titled “K,” but that seems to be the correct title.  That is the name that comes to my mind when I think of the event. The name seems to be the unspoken name of the mysterious entity in the desert. I had been following Carlos Castaneda’s adventures as described in his books and thought that I was well along with gathering enough personal “power” to be able to withstand an encounter with “the other side.” Apparently I was wrong about that.

It was during a school break that my wife and I decided it was once again time to take the kids to the desert.  I had been reading Carlos Castaneda’s books, and was hoping for an encounter of another kind.  Both of us were anxious to make sure our children experienced the desert enough for them to learn to love it (or at least, not fear it).  As usual, we went to the Turtle Mountains near the Nevada/California border, south of Needles.  We pulled my father’s small house trailer down there so we could have some of the conveniences of home.  It mainly afforded us a protected place to cook, and a way to get out of the wind if necessary.

On this trip we decided to approach the springs and the petroglyphs from another side of the Turtle Mountains, from the west.  We went to Vidal Junction, and headed west along State Highway 62 for a few miles, paralleling the Colorado River Aqueduct flowing from the Colorado River to Los Angeles.  We found a place where we could cross under the aqueduct, and headed north up the broad Chemehuevi Wash, following a faint jeep trail into the desert.  We bounced along for a few miles and finally decided that it didn’t make any sense to pull the trailer any further, so we unhitched it and continued north toward the petroglyphs in our Jeep Cherokee.  I was navigating by the seat of my pants, but finally managed to get to the edge of the Turtle Mountains where the petroglyphs are located.  We stopped to set up camp in the dry, sandy wash a few hundred feet from the petroglyphs.  I have always felt this area to be a very powerful place, a “power spot” in Carlos Castaneda’s terminology. Its power draws me, and I have a feeling of awe when among the rocks in this area.  Judging from the hundreds of ancient petroglyphs in the small area, it appears that others felt this power too.

After setting up camp we went to explore and look at the mysterious petroglyphs.  The area is strewn with big boulders that my father refers to as volcanic bombs, which I suppose best describes their genesis.  These have been in the desert sun for so many thousands of years that they have turned black on the upper surfaces.  Scientists have found that the black is caused by the growth of an extremely slow growing lichen related organism.  The ancient native inhabitants in the area took advantage of this black covering to use as a kind of black board.  They pecked lines through the layer, exposing the lighter underlying rock.  They could make patterns that have lasted for thousands of years using this technique.  Unfortunately, nobody has figured out how to date these patterns, so we don’t know how many thousands of years it might be. 

There appears to be a wide time span between the oldest and the newest petroglyphs because some have very little new overgrowth of “desert varnish,” as the growth is commonly called.  Others have such a thick varnish that the patterns are almost impossible to distinguish.  The current thinking among archeologists is that the age of the art spans a time of several thousand years, possibly more than ten thousand years.  An archeologist friend who accompanied my family to the area believed these particular petroglyphs were created on the shoreline of a vast ancient lake.  The modern day natives who live in the area usually say that these patterns were not made by their peoples, but rather by “the old people” who used to live in the area. The patterns do not appear to be of anything identifiable. They are geometric patterns, but do not appear to be pictures of things.  The origin, meaning, and age of this type of art in this part of the desert is a mystery. 

One of the rocks in this area has always intrigued me as being somehow very different from the others.  It is shaped something like a bed or an altar.  It is about five feet long, two-and-a-half feet wide and two feet high.  It is almost flat on top, and has a roughly rectangular cross section from above.  The side walls are approximately straight and vertical. It is covered with black desert varnish, except on the top surface.  The top surface of the rock does not have the normal pattern of lines but rather appears to have been beaten over the entire surface.  Every time I see this rock it brings to mind images of an Indian couple making love on top of the rock.  I don’t know why this comes to mind, but the image is very strong.  It feels like a powerful altar to me.

As we were exploring the area, my children did one of those kid things that drive parents crazy. They started banging rocks on top of this “altar.”  I consider it completely unacceptable to deface rock art, therefore I immediately tried to stop them.  However, before I could do that I was amazed at what was happening.  The altar was ringing like a bell as they hit it.  It was quite loud and very clear.  Curious about this, I got down on my hands and knees to inspect under the rock and found that it was sitting on three rocks. The entire underside was suspended about two inches above the ground.  It appeared to have been intentionally placed there.  I think it is a rock that was used as a bell or musical instrument.

We started looking at other rocks in the area and found three more “bell rocks” nearby that were sitting on other rocks holding them off the ground.  These three other rocks also had been hammered on rather than pecked to make lines.  Of course we had to try them out, and found that they all rang like bells when struck (our banging left no obvious marks).  Apparently, we found a whole orchestra of bell rocks.

I had a very strong desire to spend the night by myself among the petroglyphs.  I have always felt that this is an extremely powerful place, and the idea of sitting among them for the night was very attractive.

As evening came I decided to spend the night on the altar rock (the largest of the bell rocks).  It seemed to be the most powerful, drew me to it the most, and looked the most comfortable.  We put the kids to bed in the tent early as usual in the desert.  I went to the petroglyphs to spend the night alone.  As the sun was setting, I was sitting cross legged on the rock, facing the western horizon, and began meditating. 

I don’t know how long I sat there, maybe an hour or so – maybe longer.  The night was moonless, making it difficult to see the desert.  The stars came out and filled the sky as they can only do in the desert.  It was a beautiful sight and I felt relaxed, at ease.  After awhile I began to get a bit fidgety, sitting on that rock was fairly comfortable, but it was getting hard and my legs were starting to hurt.  I tried to relax to let the night go by.

Then I heard a sound off in the distance, toward the north.  It sounded like it was a large animal walking through the field of petroglyphs toward me.  I told myself that it must be a desert sheep; there are no dangerous large animals in that part of the desert so it should be fun to see whatever it was.  As it got closer, I could hear it much better and realized that it could not be a sheep because it was walking on two legs rather than four.  That really puzzled me since I could see the tent a little ways across the wash from me, and my family was in the tent.  They were not out walking around.  We had not seen any other campers (in fact I have never seen any other campers out there), so it seemed highly unlikely that it was someone visiting the place.  I just sat there, getting more nervous; wondering what could possibly be walking toward me in the dark. Whatever it was, it sounded BIG.  I could feel fear starting to tug at my chest.   As it got closer, the hair stood up on the back of my neck.  As I sat, it just kept coming and was getting pretty close when I finally lost my nerve.  I looked toward the sound, but could see nothing.  By that time I was in full panic mode so I jumped up, ran across the desert to the tent where my family was, and crawled in.  I could not bring myself to look back out to see what, if anything was out there.  I told my wife what had happened; she didn’t seem interested in checking it out either.  I don’t normally sleep inside of a tent when camping in the desert, but I did that night. 

I have no idea what was out there, but it felt like whatever it was, it was stalking me.  It felt big, powerful, nasty, and focused on me.  I have not had the desire, or nerve, to attempt a repeat of that particular experiment.  We spent the remainder of the week in the desert, having a wonderful time – but I didn’t try coming face-to-face with whatever powers are there.   

Was there election fraud?

I suppose we will never know for absolute, positive, no other possibility that there wasn’t election fraud during the last election. There are many things like this, including every theory in science and every “belief” in every religion. That is just the way that the world works – and the nature of “proof.” Theories are presented, investigated, tested and considered from every point of view that we can think of. If we find evidence that the theory is wrong, if we test it and find it doesn’t “pass” the test, then we can definitely “prove” that the theory is false. However, we can never be certain that the next positive test isn’t followed up with a negative one, we can’t “prove” that every avenue has been investigated, that every test has been tested, or that we didn’t miss something important. As some point we finally say that while we can’t be certain that new information won’t turn up we accept the findings as “true” (which is different than proven). We think gravity works and will continue to work, we think aerodynamics will continue to keep airplanes in the sky, all of the things that have come from science and engineering are based upon “unproven” but “true” theories. So while it is not possible to “prove” that there was no significant fraud, enough investigations, observations, considerations and evidence has been found to show that it is “true”. It is true in the same sense that almost every election since the founding of the Country has been shown to be fair and the results have been accepted as being true.

That is not to say that there no major problems with our election system. There are. For example, the archaic electoral college system has opened the way to massive and pervasive disenfranchisement of millions of voters, almost all of which traditionally vote Democratic, by Gerrymandering districts in ways that award more electoral college votes than are supported by the population of the States. The Republicans have abused this to the point were it will heavily bias the outcome in favor of Republicans for decades into the future. It has gotten to the point where it is almost impossible to elect Democrats in many districts even when the popular vote would prevail for Democrats.

There are also often reports of highly illegal activities at the level of the precincts. For example, during the election between Gore and Bush, there were many reports of entire mail bags full of ballots from predominantly Democrat precincts being thrown into creeks and rivers, never being reported or counted. Did this actually happen? Probably. It probably happens during all Presidential elections. Is it enough of a problem to swing the outcome? Who knows? We have no evidence one way or the other.

Perhaps the worse problems that we have are associated with various successful efforts by the Republicans to disenfranchise poor voters through various means such voter ID laws, voter registration restrictions, unfair or illegal voter purges, felony disenfranchisement, and voter suppression by making it difficult to vote by the location or numbers of polling places. By far the worst of these types of voter restrictions apply to black and other minority populations, resulting in a massive under representation of votes that are historically cast for Democratic candidates. Some of this falls under the heading of “fraud”, but most is legal, but ethically and morally reprehensible.

We need to find a way to stop the impacts of Gerrymandering, makes sure that all people have ready access to polling places, eliminate the abuses of purges preventing millions of votes from being counted. We also need to find ways to prevent bags of votes being dumped, and we need a way for every citizen to have an easy way to verify that they vote was counted, and counted in accordance with the way that they marked their ballot. We need to find a way to get visibility into the entire voting process so that challenges such as Trump’s unsupported insistence in massive voter fraud is no longer possible. Basically, we need a complete overhaul into the voting system in the United States rather than continuing to rely on the current mix of outdated, archaic, fragile systems. If we don’t do this we will continue to have situations where the Supreme Court appoints the winner of the Presidential election, we will continue to have election after election where the Democrats win the popular vote but lose the election, where millions of eligible voters are prevented from voting, and where fraud remains a viable possibility.


That was an interesting trial of the impeachment of Trump. It seems that it was called in support of providing political cover for those who voted to acquit – at least is what it seemed to me. It all seemed pretty obvious to me, and had seemed that way for months – especially those days after he had used up millions of dollars in taxpayer’s dollars chasing after an obviously failed attempt to find evidence of fraud when none existed. What a farce! I don’t think anyone honestly doubts the House’s contention that Trump was instrumental in setting it up, and then sending the crowd down the street in strict violation of the terms of the permit that had set the location and boundaries based the known threat profile of the event. That one thing should have been more than enough to result in his impeachment, but there was so much more.

The defense centered around a lot of procedural issues because while they knew perfectly well that Trump was responsible for creating the environment, anger, support, direction and lack of timely efforts to stop the riot after it got started they were there to provide cover for the Republicans. That cover consisted of being able to tell their constitutes that the process was flawed, rather than having to tell them that they thought what Trump had done as somehow “appropriate”, “innocent” or “Patriotic.” If they hadn’t been provided with that cover they would have been forced to admit that they voted to acquit because they are also in alignment with Trump’s rhetoric and position that there is a need to “take back America” and “Make America Great Again” – which are both code phrases meaning re-instate the old ways of white supremacy and Christian dominance. But even though they support those values, they needed an alternative story – and the procedural one was fit the bill nicely because they didn’t have to face the actual question of whether or not they think Trump was actually innocent of the changes. They know he was guilty, but they couldn’t afford the political blow-back from their “base” to say so in a public forum. So they hid under the cover of a weak procedural argument. Shame on them!

I wonder what will now come of this. Does this tell the folks that support the MAGA movement that they were correct, that the “Country” supports them, that they are actually “Patriots” for fighting that way? Does this mean that there will now be an escalation of that sort of activity and boldness? I suspect it does. I also suspect that Mr. Trump will be front and center in that new wave of atrocities. My prediction is that we are now taking a deep dive into domestic terrorism, insurrections, and just plain nasty activity. It appears possible that this will now roll right into an actual fighting revolution, but with no goal except to take as much as possible from as many people as possible. There is no offering of a better union, of anything like democracy, or anything like freedom for anyone except those that have the most weapons and are the most aggressive. It looks to me that a band of criminals has just been handed the keys to the kingdom. It looks exactly like the path that Hitler (and other dictators) took to power, I certainly hope I am mistaken about that, but I see no other obvious next step.

The Defense Rests

After about three hours, the defense rests its arguments about the impeachment. (I am still looking forward to the Q&A sessions and the closing arguments). It was all pretty amazing. They showed a long montage of video clips showing many of those present in the act of using the word “fight” in their political activities. That is extremely obvious, one video would have made the point. They seemed to be attempting to use this to numb the minds of watchers as if that had anything whatsoever to do with the allegations. Clearly the question was never the simple one of the word “fight” being so incentive as to incite the riot. It is clearly all in context, and their arguments along those lines were childish at best.

And then there was a huge and lengthy discussion about the first amendment. Once again, they presented a specious argument at best. Generally, what they had to say was more or less true, but none of it applied to the case at hand. An interesting point was the political speech has a little “extra” protection, and that is they are not required to tell the truth or to not lie. Obviously Trump has made extensive use of that exception, he has told a record number of lies over the past five years (including the time leading up to the last election) and in no instance was there ever any attempt to punish him or make any contention that he had somehow done anything illegal in doing so. His lies were discussed a lot, and many people on all sides howled and complained about then, but everyone accepted that he was within the letter of the law to do so. That was never a contention, and still isn’t. Once again, the defense spent a lot of time presenting something that is generally agreed to – in the apparently hopes that agreeing with those points somehow had something to do with the trial. They did not, it was just a bit of hot air.

There was also an attempt to make the timeline for inciting the riots narrowly confined to the hour or so that Trump was addressing his crowd. There point was that the charge is only limited to determining if what he said was sufficient to spark the riot – which it clearly would not have been if he hadn’t primed it beforehand. The issues is setting up the situation, bringing in the powerkegs, and then lighting the fuse. It is true that if he hadn’t done what he did to set it up, he could probably have given his speech and nothing much would have happened. But that is not the case. He set it up, he knew what others were doing with regard to bringing the set and setting (and figuratively the barrels of powder), he made sure that all was set and not only did he not try to minimize the possibility of an explosion, but actively and continuously attempted to make sure the energy and anger continued. He picked the timing, the location, the people attending, and he (him personally plus the other speakers) fanned the mood of the crowd. That is all very obvious and true – but the defense lawyers elected to take a few carefully chosen words out of context to “prove” that similar speeches are common and don’t result in the kind of reaction that this one did.

A lot of the defense’s “evidence” that Trump is a long time supporter of what we might like to think of a “truth and justice” is that he uses the term “law and order” as a center piece of his rhetoric. I suppose the defense is hoping that most of the listeners and audience haven’t recognized that this is a highly charged “code word” harking back to racism, white supremacy, the abuses of people like George Wallace, the klu klux klan and other hateful and disturbing parts of America. He uses those terms specifically because they are powerful and important code words to his “base” – there is no doubt that they know exactly what he is talking about – and it doesn’t have anything whatsoever to do with “truth and justice”, peace for all, equality, or anything else that his defense team was pretending that it pointed to. It points to hate and intolerance, it does not point to equality, peace, or justice for all.

And finally there was the evidence that Trump did everything he could in the hours during the event to provide support (by way of the national guard or others), attempted to message the group sufficiently to get them to stop. That was a hollow defense. The most that he did was after four hours of rioting was to suggest that they go home, adding that he really thanked them, loved them, and they were true patriots (I am paraphrasing here, he used slightly different terms).