Quemado, New Mexico

The proprietors in my Duncan hotel suggested that a nice drive might be north to the town of Quemado, New Mexico. They suggested a little hotel/motel that had an attached restaurant, making it an easy and comfortable stop. It was a lot trip getting there, up into the high desert regions of open juniper trees and short greyish grass. It was pretty, but very isolated. It turned out that the restaurant was closed due to a graduation, and there were no more in the town – and no saloons. Dinner ended up being a handful of trail mix and a few pieces of jerky. Luckily I had some food along. The gas station sold beer, so I was set for the night. The room was very nice – large, clean, and comfortable. However, when I ran water in the bathroom sink it came out dark, blood red! I flushed the toilet to see if perhaps it was just the sink – the toilet bowl filled with the same horrible looking water. I wondered out my morning shower was going to work out. Somehow, it was miraculously clean in the morning – weird and gross.

About the only thing of interest that I could find it town was this larger than lifesize bull in all of its glory. Other than that, I was in yet another ghost town in the making. But this time I was unable to find anyone to talk to. That gave me a little time to find, and make, visual content.
